Xero's other waste of space

May 24, 2007


Filed under: General — Xero @ 8:53 pm

As someone who hates stupid people, there’s a confusing group of people which I especially hate that I’ve probably talked about briefly before. They seem at first to know what they are doing, having a general grasp of whatever the topic is at hand. However, the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding in this case is the problem, it’s a couple weeks old and it’s presumably housing more strains of bacteria than Paris Hilton’s snatch. In other words, it’s crap. They know the basics but they couldn’t tell you why, a general lack of detail.

Then there’s another serious problem with the pseudo-intellectual types, often times they’ll be discussing their opinion on something and they will be completely wrong about the subject. You can try confronting them, although this likely won’t work as the pseudo-intellectual types are typically unable to understand the “why” part of things. Why something is bad, untrue, or even just plain fucked up. To this type of person, things just “are”, sometimes to the point where it’s almost insulting to be around them.

Things like this are common:
PI: Why do you like X? Z is better.
Me: A legitimate reason for liking X.
PI: Z is better.
Me: Whatever.

The knowledge is bare minimal like someone who studied not to do well, but to get by. On the other hand, I don’t even study. A refusal to even understand why you think what you do is common. A general stubbornness towards truth or alternative ideas seems to go along with that.

The worst is when this type of person ends up in a position of power. In general their lack of understanding and stubbornness towards anything contrary to their beliefs will mean that they are incapable of understanding how other people around them think. There is no compromise with this type of person, not because they disagree with the concept but because they are incapable of understanding why they it’s necessary in the first place. They are always right.

In general most true intellectuals that I seem to come across have a sort of way about them, they can generally come up with solutions that no one else would have thought of, things to this extent. Pseudo-intellectuals barely do more than copy what they see others do, this includes things that they see true intellectuals do, though they would probably never acknowledge that person has any advantage over them, even if it’s weighted advantage. Meaning, they’re super good at one thing, and really bad at another (many people with actual unique talents are like this from my experience).

It’s unfortunate that in this world full of bullshit that some people like this are able to prosper, albeit for the most part to a self-limited extent. There’s always the lucky ones. I guess it’s no surprise, it’s this kind of thinking that leads to many of the stupid ideas of the past and present. If you never ponder “why”, things like religion all of the sudden start to make a lot more sense. The one-size-fits-all answer is this person’s sustenance. They thrive off it, as this type of answer basically means to them “why should anyone disagree with me?” And I know why.

They are inferior follower types who usually portray themselves as leaders. Even if they are in a position of power, this type of person is inevitably leeching knowledge from others around them. Since they rarely have an educated opinion, they generally don’t offer any good new ideas, preferring to keep things as they are, as this is most comfortable to them.

I’ll be damned if this type of person expects me to legitimately acknowledge them in any sort of manner, regardless of the situation. That’s exactly the type of confirmation that allows such a person to thrive in the first place. I refuse to let such stupidity thrive. I generally stick to my ideas if the opposing argument is weak, even if action has been taken to try and prevent me from doing so. This isn’t malicious by any means, rather since I am never able to come to an agreement with such a person, it is often better to simply pretend things are that way while I quietly go on doing things my way. This seems to lead to less confrontation with such individuals but does nothing in dropping them down a notch, which is probably what these people really need in order to understand those around them.

I’m also sick and tired of people who are randomly assholes about certain things for absolutely no reason. Some of them may be pseudo-intellectuals, but this isn’t really a requirement. For example, I’ll ask this type of person a legitimate question and they’ll respond with some sort of smart ass reply or otherwise inappropriate rudeness. Where as, I may have just asked them a question a few minutes before and they were being perfectly normal.

I’m sorry but it’s not my problem that you’re a pissy fuckwad, take your anger out on someone else. I need to start keeping track of stuff like this, especially considering the places where some of this occurred, harassment lawsuits here we come.

That’s another thing which pisses me off, frivolous harassment lawsuits, but I think I’ll save that one for another time.


  1. Stick it to the man!

    Comment by Entropy — June 5, 2007 @ 1:56 pm

  2. Maybe you mistake stupid people for those that are just not smart in the same way as you, everyone is different, how they think and what they do. However everyone brings qualities to the table. You have some good technical knowledge and concepts, though lack other areas which are important for different positions. Could you do your bosses job?

    You talk about not studying, total utter crap. You may not study in the schooling system, but you study in your system, you state you are a why person, you understand things, you read books, articles and man files to give you your knowledge. You say you do not study? What you may not have done is studied in school, as many of us have not. Often it is the very smart who can learn much more than the normal smart, who fail or do not comply with school. They lose in the end, they are not capable of fitting in to a culture of education, performing for their teachers instead of their own wants. School teaches a foundation for life, a foundation for success.

    Often you may find that to prosper in this world, you do not require to be knowledgeable, just to be able to know how to use others knowledge to resolve and build solutions and ideas. There are those that just do, those that do very well, those with ideas, those that manage and a few that bring all of the rest together to produce something, to be something.

    In the workplace you have a manager. Your job is to do as they say, even if you do not agree. This is the same for everyone. If I do the opposite of what my manager asks, I am written up and ultimately job less.

    In the workplace you have a general responsibility to follow rules and guidelines, many taken from society involving common courtesy.

    Yes, you are very good technically, you can code, compile, understand and problem solve. This is good, but not everything. Try focusing on those areas that you are not good at, see what you can do to improve them, grow and build yourself.

    Focus on your negatives, learn from others negatives, build on your positives, learn from others positives.

    Comment by Richard — June 20, 2007 @ 8:51 am

  3. I’ve talked about different types of intelligence a few times before, like those who are really smart at some things and really bad at others. This has come up a few times in some of my writings, including this one. I won’t disagree that many of the people I consider stupid probably do have some “intelligence points” in areas that I do not, however I’m not one to base my judgment of someones intelligence solely upon a single subject (such as computers). I generally have to at least talk to people, see how they perceive things, get in their minds so to speak, albeit to the limited extent that I can. I’ve discussed before how it’s almost impossible to ever know what it’s truly like to “be in someone else’s shoes” in fact this article here from back in 2004 covers a very similar topic as this one and should provide some more of my insight on this issue:


    Specifically, this quote from that entry “I don�t think I�m better than anyone and have always been about equality – everyone has their ups and downs and in the end it all works out. Even those I call stupid are smarter than me in some ways – just not ways that I respect, as they have to do with following others and dishonesty.” I think I was 16 when I wrote that.

    Could I do my bosses job? Well this depends who I’m considering my boss since there’s probably 2-3 people who’d qualify, but if it’s my direct supervisor, from what I’ve seen in my experience? Yes, I don’t see why not. While this may sound arrogant, I am not one to turn down a challenge like this. The real question is, would I ever be given the opportunity to do my bosses job? Probably not, due to the fact all the employees would probably shit themselves, even if it wouldn’t be all so bad. It’s not as if I haven’t managed a group of people before, including all the fun-not-so-fun parts like bitching people out about not getting shit done. My internet journeys have lead me through such paths before, one way or the other, though it would probably not qualify as “real world experience”. That’s OK, I probably wouldn’t intentionally seek a management position anyway but if one came to me, I would gladly accept.

    This is certainly a different perspective on studying, I would agree I’ve definitely studied by this definition. When I always thought of studying in school, all I think about is repetitively reading the same things over and over or memorizing useless knowledge just long enough to pass a test. However, I’ve always taken the hard way in life, the easy way would have been to go to college and finish school and do all the things normal people do. In my life I’ve consistently done things the exact opposite, despite what people have told me. And plenty of people have told me otherwise. However, I’ve always found my own ways to have the biggest pay off in the end, whether it be monetary or psychological. I think this is my main point, rather than the actual semantics of studying in and of itself.

    To be honest, I’m not really sure what school taught me. I actually have quite a few school teachers in my family and one of my good friends I just learned is going to school to be a teacher. And I asked him why, you know what he said? He said he thought he could do a better job than the useless teachers who taught him. My take on school is that honestly, I don’t think it taught me anything. If anyone taught me how to read and write, it was my mother, who used to make me do these fun little word books and what not when I was younger. Another thing is that I absolutely used to hate english/grammar and writing in general and used to primarily like math and science, it wasn’t until I left school that I starting writing a lot more, and I can’t stand math at all anymore.

    I would certainly agree that you can prosper off of other people’s knowledge, however I would typically consider anyone who does this consistently or primarily as mentally weak. I’m not saying it’s bad to learn off other people, rather that if your primary way of getting things done is to leech off the skills of others, in the long run you’re basically taking credit for things which were not entirely your own. While most people who know me know that I am usually strictly in favor of intellectual property reform, one thing I do not stand for is not giving credit where credit is due.

    For me, things are not so clean cut. Certainly you should be doing what your boss asks, if this is your job, however it’s very easy to get into an argument over semantics or things which can be done a multitude of ways, in these situations the outcome will be the same even if the path taken was different. If it ever really turned into a black and white situation where it came down to “do as I say or leave” then it’s a matter of me deciding what’s more important, staying or my own personal values.

    I also feel that to look at this so black and white also assumes some kind of inferiority on the person being told what to do. For one, I don’t see myself as inferior to my boss just because they are my boss. In fact, who you are, what position you hold, how much money you have, or how much power you control in the end means nothing to me. In fact, when things are put to me in such black and white terms like this, it generally makes me look down upon the person for being so utterly unwilling to compromise or otherwise work out alternative solutions.

    I think another issue is that many people really only know me in terms of my computer skills. Recently I’ve been taking up other hobbies completely unrelated to computers and I’ve purposely not brought many of these things up with all but a select few people. To be honest, I think it’s funny if people think I’m only good at computers, or only good at Linux for that matter. I won’t even try to correct them to let them think otherwise. I have so many other things I do in my life, I’m practically busy all the time. I can’t worry about stupid shit like that. That’s why I only make posts here once every few months compared to before I had a job, where I’d be making multiple posts per month. With more responsibility comes less free time. It’s at least forced me to schedule my time more wisely. I suck at schedules though.

    I think when I first got my job, I let it occupy too much of my life, I’d bring it home with me so to speak. It took quite some time for me to realize, fuck what other people think, this is for me and I will not let others bring me down. I will not let stupid shit at work effect the rest of my life.

    I’ve long since had the reputation of being either strictly hated or strictly loved by my friends and colleagues, never an in between, so I’m quite used to criticism. I’ve been told before by clinical sources that I have a depressive attitude, even though I’m not depressed. In fact, my mental balance always lead me more towards anxiety and paranoia than it ever does depression. This is just one of many ways that peoples brain chemistries can vary, but my real point is, I try not to focus on negatives any more than I have to, at least not at this point in my life.

    And generally, I don’t really feel that much is wrong with me. I’ve been told all my life by school teachers or others that I have something wrong with me, that I’m not normal. Who is normal anyway? But what it really comes down to is that some people are more normal than others. And I’m not one of those more normal types by any means.

    Maybe some people feel I’m socially awkward, hard to get along with, stubborn even, but I can’t always worry about what other people think, because sometimes those other people just don’t understand and so what they think is not entirely accurate in the first place. People are generally multifaceted and have many different sides to them depending on the situation. My behavior in the workplace is probably completely different from how many people know me, oddly enough many people know me as a very shy quiet person, as weird as that may sound, but this is exactly how I am in most social situations that I am unable to contribute to. You may have even seen me like this before, but you’d really have to look for it.

    I’ve always said that if I did ever go to college, it’d probably be for psychology. I’ve written numerous pieces on subjects such as sociology, social class and mental disorders. Unfortunately understanding your own issues can often be a lot harder than understanding others. And generally flat out telling someone what their problem is useless, as it only leads to confusion or is otherwise completely disregarded.

    If I do change, it’ll most likely be by the same means I do everything else, through my own ways and methods. I’m not one to learn from examples alone, rather, I usually like to see the process of things that lead up to said examples. I can’t imagine I’ll ever be like some of the other people that we know and honestly, I wouldn’t want to be anyway. Even if others hate me, what really counts in the end is what I think of myself. After all, if I was some low self-esteemed depressive fuck, I just wouldn’t be the same person anymore.

    I’m generally a very misunderstood person, this is because I can often keep my true emotions hidden. Some people display everything outwardly and you can read them like a book. Rather, even though I can be somewhat outgoing, my thinking process is quite introverted and generally I will not be able to explain myself well unless I’ve had much time to think about it, like in my writings on this journal/blog/whatever. I don’t feel this makes me socially inept by any means, though people will often take things I say the wrong way.

    I once went to a psychologist for testing purposes and I will never forget what they told me towards the end of our acquaintance: “So, basically you became social through competence.”

    Indeed, I had became social through trial and error alone, just like I had done with everything else before.

    Comment by Xero — June 20, 2007 @ 9:51 pm

  4. Your complete lack of competence and understanding in the words you speak has inspired (almost forced) my hand to take a few short minutes of my trivial, meaningless life to explain to you why you’re a hamper and a dead weight around the ankle of the society we live in. I assure you, this won’t take too long. I’ll start in the middle of this ignorant monstrosity and work my way outside.

    “The knowledge is bare minimal like someone who studied not to do well, but to get by. On the other hand, I don�t even study. A refusal to even understand why you think what you do is common. A general stubbornness towards truth or alternative ideas seems to go along with that.”

    Wow. What a short string of ignorant statements. You get off on the right foot. OK. There are people who study to get grades and not to learn. Done. Next? Ouch. It all goes downhill from here. You don’t study? You refuse to even understand other people’s outlooks or common thinking? When I say that is an ignorant perception to have, I mean that in the real meaning of the word ignorant. You are unknowing, loud, and obnoxious. What exactly are you trying to convey here? Are you trying to say that you have knowledge but you’re self-taught? I believe it. You clearly have no concept of how to fill in the blanks. I’d like to further elaborate on this, but I’ll have to wait. Let’s move on.

    “The worst is when this type of person ends up in a position of power. In general their lack of understanding and stubbornness towards anything contrary to their beliefs will mean that they are incapable of understanding how other people around them think. There is no compromise with this type of person, not because they disagree with the concept but because they are incapable of understanding why they it�s necessary in the first place. They are always right.”

    Here is the spot. You’re saying that it’s an unfortunate thing when a learned, committed person finds their way to a position of responsibility? You’re crying about powerful people not listening to alternative thinking? If they’ve been trusted to power, don’t you think they should do what they feel is right? I mean, they were appointed to a decision making position for a reason. The very simple theory behind all this is that when there is a difference in opinion of what road to take, there should be one person with the power to make that choice above everyone. By definition, they shouldn’t be easily bendable or easily harangued into second guessing their decisions. The person in power that you’re describing would actually be horridly unmanageable, irresponsible, and ultimately a pussy.

    You said “On the other hand, I don�t even study. A refusal to even understand why you think what you do is common.” Then, you say “In general their lack of understanding and stubbornness towards anything contrary to their beliefs will mean that they are incapable of understanding how other people around them think. There is no compromise with this type of person, not because they disagree with the concept but because they are incapable of understanding why they it�s necessary in the first place.” Don’t look now, but you just contradicted yourself on your base idea in two consecutive paragraphs.

    You can see what’s happening here. You have ideas. But, you have no idea of how to transform any of your half-baked and extremely general ideas into complete thoughts. You really shouldn’t have a blog. Another thing you evidently need (which you bashed) is learning in a concrete and controlled environment. You’re not a concrete or an abstract thinker. You’re far worse. You’re angry, confused, self-contradicting, and you’re generally all over the place. You’re not able to actually make one complete statement or point and then stick with it. You’re an idiot. Anyway, moving on….

    “In general most true intellectuals that I seem to come across have a sort of way about them, they can generally come up with solutions that no one else would have thought of, things to this extent. Pseudo-intellectuals barely do more than copy what they see others do, this includes things that they see true intellectuals do, though they would probably never acknowledge that person has any advantage over them, even if it�s weighted advantage. Meaning, they�re super good at one thing, and really bad at another (many people with actual unique talents are like this from my experience).”

    First off, you need more than a spell checker. Your grammar is unspeakable for someone who over-uses the word “pseudo” to seem smart. They have a way about them? What’s this? Are you referring to a swagger in their step or unnecessarily grandiose words in their conversation? This whole paragraph is completely unnecessary. All you’re saying here is that people with a disadvantage won’t admit they have a disadvantage over people with a “weighted advantage”. Are you serious? Is this even a point a “real intellectual” would make? Although really, calm down. I assure you that no one is pulling the ole “copy-cat” on you just after seeing the egregious amount of “intellectual” mistakes you’ve made already on this laughable mockery of a mission statement for shut-ins and illiterate nerds worldwide.

    “It�s unfortunate that in this world full of bullshit that some people like this are able to prosper, albeit for the most part to a self-limited extent. There�s always the lucky ones. I guess it�s no surprise, it�s this kind of thinking that leads to many of the stupid ideas of the past and present. If you never ponder �why�, things like religion all of the sudden start to make a lot more sense. The one-size-fits-all answer is this person�s sustenance. They thrive off it, as this type of answer basically means to them �why should anyone disagree with me?� And I know why.”

    This is another paragraph that makes me lose faith in high schools and grade schools around the nation. “It’s unfortunate that people like this should be allowed to prosper.” Well frankly, you shouldn’t be allowed near a keyboard. What people are you referring to? Uneducated people shouldn’t be allowed to prosper? You’ve smoked yourself into a stupor of which I can only dream. You yourself are “anti-study” and “don’t care for direct answers or common sense”. Yet, you yourself managed to get an ignorant blog that is actually about the ignorant. What a wonderfully ironic country. Also, people are lucky. People are unlucky. There is no guessing on this matter. This is yet another painfully pointless statement. To say that people have never second-guessed things like religion is (once again) not thinking before you speak. Your scatter-brained ideas of misconstrued values are appalling. Not in the sense that they are outrageous to the norm, but rather in the sense that this is now the norm. Realize it or not, you’re a part of the problem. It’s a complete and total self-serving bias with no facts and only resentment sprayed in no particular direction. You hold high that people disagree with you because you’re right. However, you fail to realize that you’re lacking real and actual substance. I can’t quite tell if you’re flashing a misguided confidence or a hollow arrogance. Regardless, it’s all noise. Your paragraph here is actually that “one size fits all” that you so actively protest. Do you secretly hate yourself? It’s thorough and full self-contradiction with mixed buzz words sprinkled on top. See what I did just there? It’s called making one complete thought and then making it stand.

    “They are inferior follower types who usually portray themselves as leaders. Even if they are in a position of power, this type of person is inevitably leeching knowledge from others around them. Since they rarely have an educated opinion, they generally don�t offer any good new ideas, preferring to keep things as they are, as this is most comfortable to them.”

    Thanks, Adolf. You know the show on CBS “The Amazing Race” isn’t about white people, right? Inferior follower types? Man, step away from the Xbox. The real world isn’t inter-galactical races with different stat sheets. If we’re talking about human beings and human nature, you’re so far from fact and actuality that it’s not even funny. Human nature is always against change. Psychologically, it’s just a fact. As well, do you know the only thing that leaders should be good at? It’s leading. It’s their job to assemble a team with skills that he can put to use. It’s not his job to satisfy the bloated egos of ungrateful “inferiors” within his team.

    You’re part of the movie / television generation and have clearly watched too much of both. This isn’t a movie. In a Hollywood war movie, the General is always the one with the best fighting skills, a loner with real issues with everyone, and a total renegade. In real life, the General is probably the exact opposite. It’s someone who works well with others. It’s someone who has been there before, but knows how to utilize his team. A leader is real life is an actual decision maker. Next weekend, instead of breaking a top score on your Xbox while murmuring about all the leadership skills you have, you should consider a Rubik’s cube. It helps the brain develop in problem solving. You seem to have an issue with it.

    “I�ll be damned if this type of person expects me to legitimately acknowledge them in any sort of manner, regardless of the situation. That�s exactly the type of confirmation that allows such a person to thrive in the first place. I refuse to let such stupidity thrive. I generally stick to my ideas if the opposing argument is weak, even if action has been taken to try and prevent me from doing so. This isn�t malicious by any means, rather since I am never able to come to an agreement with such a person, it is often better to simply pretend things are that way while I quietly go on doing things my way. This seems to lead to less confrontation with such individuals but does nothing in dropping them down a notch, which is probably what these people really need in order to understand those around them.”

    Your disingenuous attempt at making a stand against people with less knowledge is deplorable at best. This is only on the account that you’re not very smart. You’ve placed yourself on a platform of false praise because it suits you better than looking at yourself for what you are. You detest people ahead of you because you think it should be you. It’s red flag and green jealousy in true form. You’re a product of a fast food generation. You want it now and you want it five minutes ago. You get what you put in to your work, and if it’s anything like this blog, it’s sloppy, excruciatingly general, and mostly inaccurate. You feel like you deserve more because of what you think you can do, not because of what you’ve done. However, you’re forcefully forgetting that you’ve grossly over-estimated your own self-worth.

    “I�m also sick and tired of people who are randomly assholes about certain things for absolutely no reason. Some of them may be pseudo-intellectuals, but this isn�t really a requirement. For example, I�ll ask this type of person a legitimate question and they�ll respond with some sort of smart ass reply or otherwise inappropriate rudeness. Where as, I may have just asked them a question a few minutes before and they were being perfectly normal.”

    People have bad days. People don’t always respond in a courteous manner. What an astute observation Sigmund! You’re really blowing my mind here. People give sarcastic responses and aren’t always cooperative?!? Ha! What pseudo-intellectuals they are! I don’t know if you’re more confused or socially inept.

    “I�m sorry but it�s not my problem that you�re a pissy fuckwad, take your anger out on someone else. I need to start keeping track of stuff like this, especially considering the places where some of this occurred, harassment lawsuits here we come. That�s another thing which pisses me off, frivolous harassment lawsuits, but I think I�ll save that one for another time.”

    If you were to say that you were a meaningless lawsuit waiting to happen, I would believe you. In addition, you seem to have to more misdirected anger than anyone else I’ve ever seen.

    I saved the first two paragraphs you wrote for last. These hit home as the most laughable and really why I took the time to write this. Let me divulge you with the two paragraphs that blew my mind.

    “As someone who hates stupid people, there�s a confusing group of people which I especially hate that I�ve probably talked about briefly before. They seem at first to know what they are doing, having a general grasp of whatever the topic is at hand. However, the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding in this case is the problem, it�s a couple weeks old and it�s presumably housing more strains of bacteria than Paris Hilton�s snatch. In other words, it�s crap. They know the basics but they couldn�t tell you why, a general lack of detail.

    Then there�s another serious problem with the pseudo-intellectual types, often times they�ll be discussing their opinion on something and they will be completely wrong about the subject. You can try confronting them, although this likely won�t work as the pseudo-intellectual types are typically unable to understand the �why� part of things. Why something is bad, untrue, or even just plain fucked up. To this type of person, things just �are�, sometimes to the point where it�s almost insulting to be around them.”

    You are that kind of close-minded type of stupid. You are pseudo-intellectual. You are the type of person who will start conversations and fizzle out due to a lack of knowledge, lack of conversational skills, or have no real base for argument. The word “whatever” should be stamped to your forehead. You’re right about one thing. The only way to explain you is to just believe that you just “are”. Your perception of the real world is five years behind, not five years ahead. You’re on the cognitive thinking level of a selfish 8th grader. You’ve seen and learned things but have no real idea to apply them. As I stated, you’re not an abstract thinker, as you believe. You a latent learner and you need to stop blogging and pick up with the pace of normal humans.

    I said I would explain why you’re a dreg and a dead weight on society and I will. You’re miseducated, uncultured, and ignorant. You haven’t the first clue of etiquette or actual self-respect. There is too much of this happening in our world today. You think that people dislike you for your opinions. However, it’s not your opinions that are offensive. Your opinions are as bland as they are empty. It’s your demeanor. It’s the way that you hold and view yourself. It’s infuriating that we as a society raised you. You’re not something of an enigma or an unexplained phenomenon. You’re all too common. You have one focused and real talent, but you think you’re better than you actually are. When I said that you have grossly over-estimated your own value, that’s probably the best point I’ve hit so far. I don’t know how “pseudo-intellectuals” like yourself have come about, voicing your opinions from rooftops to absolutely whomever will listen, way louder than ones that truly matter. You call yourself things like “truth” and “absolute”. You couldn’t be farther from the truth. You’re diluted and all too average. It glares unmistakably from your false pride and dangerously self-serving, skewed bias. I’ll make no attempt to explain the world’s real addiction to undeserved perceived self-competence ahead of my time or (more importantly) out of my ass like you do. I’m far from perfect. The difference is that I don’t paint a picture for the world to see me that differs from reality or paint a picture of reality that’s adjusted to my appeasement. Where’s my blog? It’s poking fun at ignorant loud mouths like you. The definition of noise pollution is unnecessary and displeasing noise made by humans or machines that creates an unpleasant environment. I’d like to redefine it as you.

    Please do not mistake any of this as complimentary. Please take your blog down. It is insulting to anyone above a 5th grade education. You’re not very smart and you’re a horrible writer.

    P.S. – Problem solving through trial and error is scientifically the WORST form of problem solving. Look up algorithmic problem solving.

    Comment by Concerned Citizen — June 21, 2007 @ 2:09 pm

  5. I’ll start by ignoring the first paragraph as this is a personal attack on me specifically and has little to do with the subject.

    “Wow. What a short string of ignorant statements. You get off on the right foot. OK…..”

    You seem to be making a lot of assumptions here, how well do you really think you know me? I never said I refuse to understand other’s outlooks, try reading some of the things I said in the other comment including that linked article maybe. Also, what makes you take this so personally?

    “Here is the spot. You�re saying that it�s an unfortunate thing when a learned, committed person finds their way to a position of…”

    No, I’m not saying when a learned committed person finds their way to a position of responsibility, I’m saying the exact opposite. People get put into positions of power for all kinds of bullshit reasons, whether it be the buddy system, corrupt elections, or what not. Your description of how a person in a position of power should be seems to be not too far different from a dictatorship. The whole issue we currently have with our government is that we have a president who is so caught up in never second guessing himself that he’s willing to make a fool of himself over it. This example can easily be taken to opposite extremes. However I don’t think you really even know what I’m talking about in the first place so I digress.

    “You said �On the other hand, I don�t even study. A refusal to even understand why you….”

    I don’t see how these two statements are contrary to my “base idea”, one is saying a refusal to understand, the other saying their lack of understanding then has the following consequence. In fact, I think I already see a lack of understanding here. I don’t even get what this “base idea” is supposed to be, this is really just a collection of ideas that isn’t really specific to any one person or thing.

    Again I’m going to ignore this next paragraph, you again seem to be making insults for no reason and your statements are completely baseless short of your personal opinions. Note that in my writings I generally do not make personal attacks against any single person for the sake of logical debate, rather I do generalize ideas and concepts, as this is the place where I collect my thoughts together. I don’t really consider this “blog/journal/whatever” something meant for general consumption anyway.

    “First off, you need more than a spell checker. Your grammar is unspeakable for someone who over-uses the word �pseudo� to seem smart….”

    Again you seem to completely miss the point on this one, all I’m saying is that some people have a certain way about them that you can just sense, where as the pseudo-intellectual can only attempt to copy this. I’m also perfectly aware of the negative connotations against using the word pseudo, let’s just say that I’ve read maddox before and leave it at that.

    “This is another paragraph that makes me lose faith in high schools and grade schools around the nation…”

    The next statement of mine you commented on has absolutely nothing to do with education so I’m unsure of where that portion came from. I also have never said that I’m “anti-study” or “don’t care for direct answers or common sense” so I have no idea why you’re quoting this. I just said that I don’t study, or at least not by the typical standards of studying anyway. I have not said that all people haven’t questioned religion or that all pseudo-intellectuals won’t question religion, rather I’m saying bad thinking patterns can lead to this type of overzealousness. I didn’t manage to “get” a blog either, it’s not like there’s some sort of blog police who patrols who can make a blog, though I’m assuming you’d like there to be. You would again be right that my statements are “sprayed in no general direction”, this blog is intentionally kept indirect as stated before. As for it being factual, this article isn’t exactly a scientific study but rather my thoughts on numerous observations. I don’t claim to be infallible by any means, but your consistent ad hominem attacks against me are not making you look much better.

    “Thanks, Adolf. You know the show on CBS �The Amazing Race� isn�t about white people, right? Inferior follower types? Man, step away from the Xbox…”

    If you’ve ever seriously read this “blog” before then you would know that I am typically against the majority of American media sources so unfortunately I don’t understand the CBS reference. I don’t really think it’s up to one person to decide what human nature is for everyone, even if a majority of people are against change, this does not mean everyone is, nor does it mean that change is inherently bad. I’m assuming you must be a psychologist, since psychologically, this is a fact. Let me know when you get your Ph.D, maybe we can debate this some more at that point.

    Surprisingly, I don’t think this is the first time someone’s called me Hitler before over a blog entry. I think that one about post-natal abortions did it…but can you take a joke?


    “You�re part of the movie / television generation and have clearly watched too much of both. This isn�t a movie. In a Hollywood war movie…”

    Again, you do not seem to know me very well if you believe this to be the case. I have always strictly been against the majority of American media sources as stated before and am an opponent of the majority of crap coming out of Hollywood, especially the part about giving far too much money to untalented hacks. I also am not much of a gamer, not at this point in my life anyway. Unfortunately I’m typically much too busy to afford the time for such things. I can’t help but think that you are actually describing yourself here, seeing as there’s no way you got these ideas from my blog. Plus, actually paying to use a Microsoft product? That’s not exactly something which I do very often…

    “Your disingenuous attempt at making a stand against people with less knowledge is deplorable at best. This is only on the account…”

    I also find this next statement somewhat amusing. For whatever reason you keep trying to lump me into generalizations such as “hollywood movie” or “fast food” but I don’t think you actually know me well enough as a person to make such generalizations. Even though everyone can have times when they are impatient, I generally consider myself a very patient person. I could give some examples of this, but honestly, I don’t think it’s worth the time. I am not the kind of person to half-ass things for no reason and regardless of what you think of me, I know what I have accomplished and what I am capable of, even if you don’t appreciate it.

    “People have bad days. People don�t always respond in a courteous manner. What an astute observation…”

    The next statement you’re quoting wasn’t even about pseudo-intellectuals, I was actually changing the topic here and just referring to people with general anger issues or things to this extent. I’d probably place many alcoholics into a similar category, as this can make people easily irritable or what not.

    You’ve obviously mistaken my pessimistic sarcasm for anger, I am not a person who deals with my mental issues through anger, not to say that I don’t get angry if someone persistently irritates me, however I’ve stated before that my mental balance is always shifted more towards anxiety. This is something I know as the results of real psychological evaluation and not just assumption. This blog used to be read by a therapist I used to see a few years ago. And don’t forget I’ve been doing this for almost 5 years now, you don’t seriously think I’ll stop just because someone disagrees with me? It’s not as if that hasn’t happened before.

    “You are that kind of close-minded type of stupid. You are pseudo-intellectual…”

    I won’t try to argue that I’m the best at socialization, I have stated before that I definitely am a bit different from most people in that regard. I also think you’re taking my sarcasm a bit too seriously again here. If you’ve actually read an article on this blog other than this one you’d know that I generally start out many of my pieces with something silly or sarcastic.

    I also think it’s funny that you’re trying to define me as a pseudo-intellectual, seeing as this is really only a general concept in my head rather than some sort of psychological diagnosis, and seeing as you really don’t know the full extent of what I’d take into consideration for such a judgement, I don’t really think it’s within your place to say so. Come up with your own concept next time instead of recycling mine for your own argument.

    “I said I would explain why you�re a dreg and a dead weight on society and I will. You�re miseducated, uncultured, and ignorant. You haven�t the first clue of etiquette or actual self-respect…”

    I’m tempted to say “how dare you bring up etiquette on here” seeing as I’m someone whose consistently fought against such ancient ways of thinking. You really want to know me? Try taking a good read…


    “You have one focused and real talent, but you think you�re better than you actually are…”

    This is again assuming I’m only talented at computers (or whatever subject you’re referring to), if you read my response to one of the other comments posted here, not only do I state that this is just not the case, but also that it amuses me when people think this about me.

    I’d like to make a final statement that if you’re going to post something anonymously, at least try to hide your IP. I can’t imagine writing such a long response to a blog entry would be considered good use of your time at 2:09PM on a work day.

    P.S. There’s always more than one way to solve a problem, this is the type of thing I’m all about. I’m not claiming trial and error works for everything by any means.

    P.P.S. It’s easy to make jokes about someone, make fun of how they look, their mannerisms, the things they like, I could have done this plenty of times, but you know what? I don’t, because even though I may say things which you apparently don’t like, I’m not a complete asshole.

    P.P.P.S. http://www.nizkor.org/features/fallacies/ad-hominem.html

    Comment by Xero — June 21, 2007 @ 8:59 pm

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