white privileged socially democratic republicans
I wrote my article, middle american libertarian mind rot nearly a year ago, at a time where Donald Trump and Gary Johnson weren’t even a twinkle in the stars in the sky. However, what I never imagined is just how bad it was about to become…
It goes deep too. Even in a crowd of skeptics and rationalists, you can still pick out the occasional libertarian anti-intellectualist, and I just can’t fathom how you can be so split-brained, but I guess it’s kind of like being a liberal christian or a christian scientist or any of those other almost-oxymorons. However, the Trump crowd takes all the religious crap and all the anti-intellectualism crap and bakes it into one cake. The libertarians are usually strictly the latter, and the main thing now is some new theme that american’s are somehow paying for the health care and/or social programs of our allies, by giving them some notion of military support, but we should really be “spending it at home”
Okay, what. I mean. The latter half is true to some extent, but the former half is borderline batshit insane. It’s like, because we’re too stupid to do what’s right for ourselves, and implement a proper single payer health care system, we need to pretend everyone else is just being unrealistic and riding off our backs, and now it’s time to drag them back down to our shitty level. Great job, america.
Lowering taxes and destroying social programs is not some magic fix for all of lives problems, and unregulated capitalism creates class inequality and giant corporate monopolies that control the government. Wait, what’s communism all about? Isn’t that when the government runs the corporations? Well, now that line certainly hasn’t become blurred any!? You go far enough authoritarian right and apparently you swing back around to the authoritarian left! Hating on socialism my ass….they wouldn’t know what the word means if it fell out of the sky and hit them in the head.
Yet, what persists is pandering to this “red scare” pseudo-mccarthyism anti-socialist sentiment that the right-wing has been spewing without any factual basis for the past who knows how many years. It’s a bunch of rightest propaganda, and it’s completely missing the point.
This notion that health care and other social programs just creates a society of freeloaders is bullshit, and it’s been proven to work just fine in nearly the rest of the civilized word. However, just a little bit of xenophobia, throw in some naughty muslims, and well, now you’ve got just cause to just pretend it all doesn’t exist, and we can throw all these countries under the bus, because look, there socialism couldn’t have existed without US, OUR failed system is what let THEM succeed. We couldn’t just take responsibility for failing to take care of our own people, that’d be too easy.
Let’s just let our white ass privilege overrule any sense of logic and reason, and our work-paid insurance is surely good enough for me! I work for it, I deserve it. That sick dying person who can’t work anymore and lost their job and coverage? Well, they should have had a backup plan and better coverage! That’ll never happen to me….Right?
I don’t know who you hedge your bets with, but the libertarian party can go get a fucking clue. And the Trump supporters, I’m about ready to propose we send them to the sun, since they are all seemingly ready to usher in the apocalypse anyway.