meaning of life part 2. how many ways I dont care
Part 1 Summary: Void question. Basically, who cares?
You can be depressed about it (my life is worthless.)
You can be nihilistic (life has no meaning/purpose)
You can be happy go lucky (wwwooooohoooo, whose got time to think about this?)
You can be depressive but not depressed (who gives a fuck? I got other things to do. This is often a bad stereotype of the “skeptical atheist”)
The skeptic (I will need proof beyond a reasonable doubt from multiple sources, until then I’m 99% I agree with the experts)
The scientist (sitting in the laboratory, conducting experiments, analyzing data)
Alright I’m done playing atheist typologist, point is, we multifaceted. There’s so many ways for me not to give a fuck.
Damn I just realized I’m being the worst of our own stereotypes lolol.