deja vu?
Oh yeah? Take this!
Oh yeah? Take this!
This article is written with limited liability. All uses other than those outlined below is strictly prohibited. Failure to follow these guidelines is grounds for immediate termination. Our insurance company said so.
Liability, documentation, harassment, lawsuits
workplace training, security cameras, insurance premiums
I’ve come to the recent conclusion that such things offer nothing to the average person and simply serve to protect those in upper management. I did say I’d save this one for another time, didn’t I? It’s about that time.
A combination of events has lead me now to believe that the vast majority of corporate America is scum. Well, this isn’t really any different from views I’ve held in the past, capitalist pigdogs ruining our society. It’s a little bit more complicated this time.
Companies pretend to be afraid of lawsuits. While they may actually have some legitimate fear, for the most part, as long as they look as if they were afraid and took the appropriate pussy-out actions, then this is good enough. Taking actions to reduce insurance premiums and liability do nothing for the average worker. These actions serve only those who control the worker ants below them. However, all of these things are supposedly put in place to protect employees, meanwhile companies do the exact opposite, take all the necessary steps in order to nullify said protections by making up frivolous or exaggerated claims against employees or using past events out of context as grounds for action, whether it be termination or otherwise.
Basically whatever load of shit that a company can pull out of their ass in order to bypass such protection laws and serve their purposes. The funny thing is, you could still fight this in court, even if they did have a legitimate excuse. However, only the upper management would actually have enough money to defend themselves in court. This is not typically what happens anyway. It’s the average worker who gets screwed in the end.
As much as I hate the people who make frivolous lawsuits, I hate the companies who treat their employees like they’re stupid in order to show their insurance or HR that they took the right actions. I feel that there’s absolutely no point of even having such protections if it means that companies are just going to pull this shit, as in the end it’s just going to waste everyones time.
When it comes down to it, if a company doesn’t want you there, they will find some way to make you go away, regardless of whether or not this is just. And that’s just how it is. These protection laws do nothing in this case other than provide a layer of bureaucratic bullshit which has to be surpassed in order to serve the exact same means.
I recently read an article, 10 politically incorrect truths about human nature, here:
Number 10 on this list was “men sexually harass women because they are not sexist” and while this sounds absolutely absurd, what the article actually states is that most men do joke around sexually and that it actually would be sexist in and of itself to change this behavior just because they were around a woman. A true bra-burning feminist would probably agree, however most femi-nazis would probably shit a brick and claim they are being disrespected or something. However they also outline two types of sexual harassment, one being, “sleep with me and I’ll give you a raise”, which is definitely wrong, and the second type is more of a “feeling uncomfortable in the workplace” type. It’s this latter type which is a load of shit. Basically what I took of this, is that some people want it both ways, they want to be treated equal, but they also want to be sheltered from what they dislike. However, this is bullshit, if you don’t like something, then just walk away, unless someone is trying to force you into something (as is the first type of harassment) or is pestering you specifically, otherwise you are simply being a pussy.
The law shouldn’t protect pussies.
And to be honest, I just don’t understand why some people are such pussies over “bad language” or other stupid shit like this anyway. This is the 21st century, wake the fuck up. A curse word doesn’t actually imply a curse, we know this now, get over yourself. If you don’t like this, go hang out with your corporate drone friends whose conversations include the insightful topics such as “How’s the weather?” and talking about how good your kids grades are in school. Fuck this watered down bullshit. This just isn’t how people are.
I’ve talked about prestige and social class a bit before. What I’ve really come to understand is that sometimes, it will seem like these prestigious types always are polite and use the proper social mannerisms for someone of their class. However, I’ve also seen prestigious types who are basically the exact opposite. And I’ve seen the two types intermingle with no issues at all. You know why? They are both on the same class. So if you’re rich and you say some naughty words and joke around with another rich person, all is well. If you’re the worker ant and do the same with these same people, you may be hearing some load of shit about manners. It’s a double standard.
I’ve stated before that in the end social class is something which you display and you yourself define. If you have no class, this has nothing to do with your manners or language, but rather you as a person. Take a white-trash Jerry Springer contestant and line then up with some upper-middle-class americans, you’ll see what I’m saying. Words aren’t necessary to describe everything. Words can be misused, taken out of context, misunderstood, or even taken as “harassment” however in the end, how such words are taken is also highly dependent on how someone perceives you as a person.
The law shouldn’t care about words. As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words.
I remember that one of my first posts on here was about the propaganda sessions that I had been put through while still in school. Of course at that time, I was still somewhat fresh out of school. I suppose I had thought at the time I’d never have to go through such an ordeal again, I didn’t think such a thing would also be applicable in the workplace.
You know, something I’ve realized as of late is that some people have stronger or weaker personalities. Someone with a strong personality can easily lead a conversation into the direction they please. This is useful for say, dealing with an angry person on the phone, if you can lead them into the direction you choose then you can take control of the situation. If you have a weaker personality, they will drag you around in order to try and get what they want.
However, I’ve also realized that just because someone has a strong personality and is able to lead someone around in a conversation like this does not mean that they were actually right in the end. The truth always has a way of coming back to bite you in the ass and it’s no different in this case. If someone was wrongfully mislead with something of importance, they will likely realize it and when they realize they were mislead they’re likely going to be angrier than they were in the first place.
It wasn’t until more recently that I’ve been around some people who were able to stand up to me in this regard, I recall a few conversations I had where after the conversation, I realized I was the one who was mislead. It hit me like a ton of bricks afterwards, what had been said was either incorrect or otherwise outrageous, it wasn’t accurate in either case.
The strength of one’s personality can easily be increased by artificial means as well, especially if the person can basically threaten, blackmail or bribe you. While they may be the weaker personality in this case, they are using an external means of power to increase their prowess. Of course, you can always just attack someones character as well, but that’s an easy way out and I think only someone with a weaker personality would typically allow this to occur without noticing during the conversation.
I think what made me think of all this was after being put through some propaganda sessions more recently, I’ve started to catch onto certain styles of speaking, whether it be motivational speaking or speaking which is supposed to make you understand whatever the propaganda topic is at hand. My conclusion to this was basically, just because you can give a good speech does not mean the contents of said speech are good as well. Also I think it’s generally easier to give a good speech if you’re a good reader and know which words to accentuate and so forth. Your speech will sound a lot more powerful if you say some words in a slightly different tone to sort of capture a feeling along with it.
However, regardless of how good any speech may be, or how easily the person at hand may be able to lead you during the speech, when all things are said and done, it is up to you to decide what is right, not the person speaking.
Unfortunately due to some recent unwarranted attention that this blog/journal thing has received, I’ve decided to make it so that only registered users can comment. I also do not allow registration, so if you feel you’re worthy, contact me through whatever means and I will make you an account.
I’ve responded to my most recent comments although it is taking far too much of my time to keep writing responses to these long comments and I feel that this is necessary in the interim. While I do feel the majority of users who read my posts here understand that this is generally a place for me to get my thoughts together, it seems that a select few have decided to take it a step further and take things personally. This was never the intention of this waste of space and I refuse to let it become that way.
As someone who hates stupid people, there’s a confusing group of people which I especially hate that I’ve probably talked about briefly before. They seem at first to know what they are doing, having a general grasp of whatever the topic is at hand. However, the proof is in the pudding, and the pudding in this case is the problem, it’s a couple weeks old and it’s presumably housing more strains of bacteria than Paris Hilton’s snatch. In other words, it’s crap. They know the basics but they couldn’t tell you why, a general lack of detail.
Then there’s another serious problem with the pseudo-intellectual types, often times they’ll be discussing their opinion on something and they will be completely wrong about the subject. You can try confronting them, although this likely won’t work as the pseudo-intellectual types are typically unable to understand the “why” part of things. Why something is bad, untrue, or even just plain fucked up. To this type of person, things just “are”, sometimes to the point where it’s almost insulting to be around them.
Things like this are common:
PI: Why do you like X? Z is better.
Me: A legitimate reason for liking X.
PI: Z is better.
Me: Whatever.
The knowledge is bare minimal like someone who studied not to do well, but to get by. On the other hand, I don’t even study. A refusal to even understand why you think what you do is common. A general stubbornness towards truth or alternative ideas seems to go along with that.
The worst is when this type of person ends up in a position of power. In general their lack of understanding and stubbornness towards anything contrary to their beliefs will mean that they are incapable of understanding how other people around them think. There is no compromise with this type of person, not because they disagree with the concept but because they are incapable of understanding why they it’s necessary in the first place. They are always right.
In general most true intellectuals that I seem to come across have a sort of way about them, they can generally come up with solutions that no one else would have thought of, things to this extent. Pseudo-intellectuals barely do more than copy what they see others do, this includes things that they see true intellectuals do, though they would probably never acknowledge that person has any advantage over them, even if it’s weighted advantage. Meaning, they’re super good at one thing, and really bad at another (many people with actual unique talents are like this from my experience).
It’s unfortunate that in this world full of bullshit that some people like this are able to prosper, albeit for the most part to a self-limited extent. There’s always the lucky ones. I guess it’s no surprise, it’s this kind of thinking that leads to many of the stupid ideas of the past and present. If you never ponder “why”, things like religion all of the sudden start to make a lot more sense. The one-size-fits-all answer is this person’s sustenance. They thrive off it, as this type of answer basically means to them “why should anyone disagree with me?” And I know why.
They are inferior follower types who usually portray themselves as leaders. Even if they are in a position of power, this type of person is inevitably leeching knowledge from others around them. Since they rarely have an educated opinion, they generally don’t offer any good new ideas, preferring to keep things as they are, as this is most comfortable to them.
I’ll be damned if this type of person expects me to legitimately acknowledge them in any sort of manner, regardless of the situation. That’s exactly the type of confirmation that allows such a person to thrive in the first place. I refuse to let such stupidity thrive. I generally stick to my ideas if the opposing argument is weak, even if action has been taken to try and prevent me from doing so. This isn’t malicious by any means, rather since I am never able to come to an agreement with such a person, it is often better to simply pretend things are that way while I quietly go on doing things my way. This seems to lead to less confrontation with such individuals but does nothing in dropping them down a notch, which is probably what these people really need in order to understand those around them.
I’m also sick and tired of people who are randomly assholes about certain things for absolutely no reason. Some of them may be pseudo-intellectuals, but this isn’t really a requirement. For example, I’ll ask this type of person a legitimate question and they’ll respond with some sort of smart ass reply or otherwise inappropriate rudeness. Where as, I may have just asked them a question a few minutes before and they were being perfectly normal.
I’m sorry but it’s not my problem that you’re a pissy fuckwad, take your anger out on someone else. I need to start keeping track of stuff like this, especially considering the places where some of this occurred, harassment lawsuits here we come.
That’s another thing which pisses me off, frivolous harassment lawsuits, but I think I’ll save that one for another time.
E-mail is dead. And n00bs killed it. Let me explain.
You constantly hear silly statistics that over 75% of e-mail is spam or some other ridiculously high amount. How does this happen? Well first, spammers are making money. And why is this? People buy into it, that’s why. So for that 75% of e-mail which is spam, which must total in the amount of millions of e-mails sent…only a small fraction of that would have to actually respond to these junk messages to turn a profit for the spammers. Stupid people are the number one cause of spam.
People should know better, but that’s only a small part of the problem. What really killed e-mail was all the things added to it to make it easier for n00bs. It’s easy to say e-mail just wasn’t designed to be used on such a mass scale, which is partially true, but e-mail also wasn’t designed so people can have HTML, images, and executable attachments that are all bundled with each message easily retrievable through an easy-to-use GUI interface.
HTML killed e-mail. E-mail was never designed to be a web browser, but it was made into one when someone decided e-mail needed to be more than just text communication between people. Now it’s a whole website being sent right to your e-mail client, which is expected to have it’s own web browser built into it to read said website. Let’s forget about all the security vulnerabilities and other mess that this created and jump right to how this made e-mail good for spam.
Someone spamming you in plain text, it’s just obvious. You can tell instantly the message is junk, usually filled with a random mishmash of crap designed to make it through spam filters, with some images and HTML attached which is what actually contains the bait the spammers want you to buy. The text of the message? Filler. The attachments? The actual sales pitch. Text-based spam is just obvious and no one in their right mind would buy into it.
So anyone who uses e-mail the way it was meant to be used easily sees a message as spam and probably removes it before even bothering looking at any attachments or anything of the sort. HTML e-mail totally bypasses this and views the bait right off the hook, you are seeing the multimedia, the flashy images, the website embedded into the message with an easily clickable link to deliver money right to the spammer.
Thanks n00bs, you’ve ruined e-mail. It’s sad that my usage of e-mail has been turned into receiving confirmation and notification e-mails. Its use for talking to actual people is limited and only a small fraction of the messages I send and receive on a daily basis consist of this. In fact, I’d say the average is less than one per day at this point. Maybe a few per week.
Instant messaging has much replaced e-mail for communication with actual people. It’s almost like telephone vs. postal mail. Phone spammers are annoying and easily detected and hung up on. Plus they always seem to call you at dinner time for some reason. Postal mail, well you’ve got a physical piece of mail sitting there with fancy pictures and what not. Spammers have tried to capitalize on instant messaging but this typically fails, having a live chat with a sales person is something familiar with even the dumbest of people and most people just won’t buy it. Keep in mind I did say most.
After working on an information/sales line for a year, you eventually find some moron who pretty much wants to be sold anything, they don’t really care what. Disgusting american pigdogs. Plus instant messaging has luckily remained mostly text. You might be able to change font colors and send files or images but those generally have to be mutually accepted by both parties, and font colors are easily turned off by most half-decent messaging clients.
I don’t see e-mail going away any time soon, but I do see it’s purpose for communication with actual people continually fading and with the constant increase in spam I can only imagine things will continue to go downhill.
you know being a kid was kinda weird for me, I’ve always kinda lived by my own ways, so my general feeling of being is usually the same as it was then. Strangeness.
Oh yeah I shaved and it totally weirded everyone out. I’m kind of amused by it. Okay this is turning into a stupid journal diary style entry and its pissing me off.
Fuck that.
I hate you all and I rule. You wish you ruled this much. I need to start kicking asses again on here, unfortunately my specimen samples have been pretty weak with the job occupying most of my time. Oh yeah, apparently I’m offensive to some people, which I find awesome. Everything I say is true and absolute, so when I’m joking around it must be hard for people to know the difference. Oh well, maybe that just means the joke applied to you personally, which is usually a bad thing. In that case, the jokes on you!
what a bad joke.
As of recently there hasn’t been much I’ve wanted to do and haven’t been able to get done, well except maybe make a couple million dollars, but I’m working on that one. I gave up on that whole hard work gets you far thing long ago, I haven’t believed such nonsense since I wrote my piece a few years back regarding the mind trick we call capitalism. Trick enough of the people to think hard work, a good education, or what not is the key to making it rich, meanwhile the real rich couldn’t give a rats ass, most of which got where they were by a combination of connections and just plain old being at the right place, at the right time. I wrote that piece over 2 years ago. Amazing.
So I love it when people try to convince me that pushing harder at my dead-end job is somehow going to get me places. Yeah right. I don’t even think it’ll get me places at the job, none the less in “The Real World”. Didn’t I write something about people who use “the real world” as justifications for their argument? Damn, I think I did. So much that I have written about. This has become some sort of reflection on the past. As of recent I haven’t had as much time to reflect on myself as I did in those days, it’s weird what a job can do to you, but I refuse to become a dog. And I refuse to let my skills rot away. I will kick ass regardless of peoples mind trickery.
I definitely miss the life of slacking. So I must do something soon if I want to make the kind of money I will need to return to my slackery.
It’s funny being the self-proclaimed top-guy at my job. I didn’t even make that up, the stats show it as well. No one will ever admit it to me though, they’d probably think I’ll be cocky about it just because I’m cocky about everything else. By saying this I probably even seem cocky. Oh well.
I think this just shows how much I rule. Even at a crappy job that I hate I can kick ass. Just wait, one day I will release my true potential. Then I will retire to a life of slackery. I’m young, I could go to college and try to fit into some predefined mold depending on the classes I take, or I could just risk it and see what happens. After all, what do I have to lose? I think I have more to lose with the former, such as time. I don’t like losing time. Time is money.
So many people who know me know that I have a few internal goals in life, some monetary and some others. I have become sort of distracted from ass-kicking because of my job. I’ve sorta bottomed out there, the most I could be doing is barely more than what I do, and what I do is not that impressive. This is okay in the short term but bad in the long term and eventually the significance of my goals will start to take priority. It’s almost been a year now, and I don’t think I can last another one without some big changes. I just wish it were more to put on a resume. Either way, I will be sticking it out for a bit longer and hopefully they’ll let me do some more.
It’s amusing when a senior employee tells me I should tell one of my many bosses about one of my achievements, telling me it’s something that’s very useful and they should be aware of it and I have to respond and tell them yeah, they probably don’t care, I don’t think they like me, especially after they threatened to fire me the other day. It doesn’t really matter there anyway, I don’t think any amount of knowledge can solve this problem. Plain and simple, some people hate me.
That’s okay, I hate you too. You know I’ve always sort of had a few different sides to myself, there’s my internal thinking side which is usually busy kicking some serious ass, it writes bash scripts while it aborts fetuses and eats beef jerky. It’s also writing this. Then there’s a few different external sides, first there’s my one on one side, this is when I’m talking to someone privately. Then there’s a group one, which varies from nerdy and talkative to shy and avoidant.
In a casual situation, around friends or what not, I’m generally talkative, sometimes overly so, but I generally reveal my true potential. Then there’s a defensive side, this side can make me look bad, since generally I’m too busy trying to think of a defense to really ever get out what I mean, in group situations this usually leads to me just avoiding the situations after a while, this may seem to be shyness in some situations depending if I was ever talkative at all with the group. I feel I’ve quickly taken the defensive with some of my so called “higher-ups.”
This isn’t really such a bad thing in the long term, I don’t plan on sticking around forever. In the short term it could present problems because if I want to get out of there quickly then I need more for my resume in less time. At the same time I feel that in the areas I’m interested in I far surpass most of these higher-ups in actual ability. They seem to have become figureheads and perhaps even lost some ability in the process, or maybe they just never had it. Apparently I’m not an expert in “Customer Service” and you know what, I wasn’t really trying to be anyway. I don’t want to be good at customer service, I don’t like it, I never wanted to be doing it, and I don’t care that you think you’re good at it. I just wish my numbers weren’t showing me as one of the top guys in my divsion. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel so bad. Some people think I have a big head, but others have pretty much confirmed my beliefs.
I’ve quickly become friendly with some of the senior employees, I suppose you could call them, basically people who’ve been there for a long time but never got moved into a management position. Infact most of them are the ones who recognize my skill, too bad the management can’t, or maybe they can, but they’d never admit to it so they can keep me at a loss on the issue. If so, fuck them, but let’s not make too many assumptions, they’re probably too busy trying to find insignificant issues to bitch me out about. Let’s just ignore the fact that my numbers were excellent and I know more than most of their employees, there’s gotta be SOMETHING I’m doing wrong. Shit, maybe this entry will be their next target. Hope they don’t find it.
I feel when it comes to computers, now my primary topic of interest I suppose, I feel that to gain my respect, you must first prove yourself. I have given my bosses numerous chances to do so, and I’ve only seen bits and pieces of knowledge, but no complete understandings, and more then anything I’ve seen mistakes, many of them. Maybe it’s just my negative side, I’ve always been one to point out the bad things, but this seems silly, because there’s plenty people there who I can say I have some amount respect for. Too bad none of them are my bosses. There’s really nothing special you have to do to prove yourself, I’m not asking you to go out of the way, it’s really just a matter of demonstrating ability, doesn’t even have to be intentionally. I suppose it’s the whole “to be a hacker you must be granted this title from other hackers” kind of thing. Unfortunately, most of the abilities I see are lackluster and unimpressive to me.
You know I was trying to think of some funny shit to write for this but I must say much of my cynicism has instead been directed at my job. It’s hard to be funny and creative when you’re doing the same thing every single day of your life, no surprises, just stampedes of stupid people asking the same questions over and over again. What was that? Oh yeah, my other personality, the emotionless phone-drone. Don’t bother thinking I’m some nice guy over the phone, I’ve quickly become the stereotypical BOFH. And I hate you.
So while browsing through some crazy ass sites on the internet I’ve determined that transexuals are nuts.
Okay so let’s re-examine that statement a little bit. I don’t really care if someone wants to go out and have their body modified or what not. People should be able to do whatever the fuck they want to their own body. What I really have an issue with are these people, whether male or female, who just say they “feel” like they are the opposite sex. Or some how just always “were” in their head. No, no you fucking weren’t. What’s your DNA say? Are there some chromosomes? Are there X and Y ones or X and X ones? Yeah? How’s that make you feel?
I just don’t buy this bullshit. People permanently modifying their bodies and possibly causing irreversable damage just because they have some fucked up self-image problems. Instead of dealing with their image problems, they’ll just turn themselves into that image. This just seems psychotic and against all common sense. I’m tired of seeing this crap which is all apologetic towards it. Now it’s supposed to be acceptable or something. They try to use the same kind of reasoning that the gay communities use, and I don’t buy that.
Gay people don’t usually just claim they “feel” like a woman inside or something and that’s their why they like guys (or vice versa for lesbians.) Infact I think whenever someone says they “feel” that they are something to do with physical image they’re probably full of shit. Prime example: I feel fat.
No you don’t. Fat is not a fucking feeling. You feel like a insecure piece of shit is what you feel. You fat fuck. Seriously though I am tired of hearing statements like this. It just makes me think these people are completely out of touch with themselves and so they have to resort to drastic measures to satisfy their insecurities.
Even if these people do have some sort of chemical imbalance or have some kind of mutated DNA which makes them think they are of the opposite sex or something, it still doesn’t change the fact that these were born a certain way, and no amount of surgery is going to change your DNA. It just doesn’t make sense to go and start mutilating your body. This just seems like an extreme case of “I can’t accept who I am” and that’s just not cool.
Then of course some jack-off is going to bring up hermaphrodites. This is an entirely different issue. Many of these people were forced to have their genders changed one way or the other without any say in the matter. On top of this many hermaphrodites do tend to lean one way or the other, but many times are reassigned just based on what they are physically closest to, and that’s not much better, I must admit. I personally feel these types of people should only have surgery done without consent only if it poses a health risk or would otherwise get in the way of daily life. I wouldn’t have an objection to one of these people having surgery later in life, as there is a genuine physical mutation in these cases.
This isn’t what I’m talking about though. I’m talking about people born with 100% functional bodies from the start, who are then changing them because they “feel” a certain way. I just don’t buy it. Accept who you are, whether that means your body is the way you wanted it to be or not. If you are going to go get some crazy modifications done, it better not be because you “feel” it’s the right thing to do. It better be strictly because you want it done, because you’re either a sick fuck, or are just amused by weird shit. Maybe you want to be a freak show porn star. Hey whatever, I don’t care. It just better not be because you couldn’t accept your body the way it was and had to get it changed to satisfy your insecurities.
And I’m tired of these fuckheads calling themselves “he” or “she” when genetically speaking they are not. Sorry just cause you had your tits/dick chopped off and started injecting hormones doesn’t mean you can start claiming you’re the opposite sex.
And yes I understand all the social stigma regarding gender identity and I understand how gender in general is a cultural thing that varies, this isn’t what I’m talking about. Personally I think it’s stupid to associate things to one gender or another anyway. Such as men like football and women like flowers. Whatever, this is bullshit. Quit following others expectations and this problem goes away.
Who cares what they want you to be, just be who the fuck you are. Even if you are some insecure prick, that doesn’t mean you have to chop it off.
The use of this piece for purposes other than intended is strictly prohibited. Any violations will result in instant termination, assuming we actually enforce this. Infact let’s just make up a whole bunch of rules.
no cheese cake on monday
no living on tuesday
no escape by wednesday
you’re banned from myspace on thursday
friday we’ll just make something up on the fly, we’ll let you know what it was once you’ve done it and send an e-mail out to everyone to let them know not to repeat your mistakes
yes, the life of a lacky boy.
Be sure to use any spare time wisely, despite the fact that you are underpaid and overqualified, you probably need to learn a lot more. Infact you may as well just learn more than your bosses, you’ll never be promoted but you can still correct their mistakes for them. Just as long as you do it in a way that makes it seem like they were right all along. Otherwise they might question your abilities and decide your conclusion is incorrect, until they later come to the same conclusion themselves or have the same thing pointed out by a higher-up.
Don’t ever ask questions about why things work the way they do, we don’t actually want you to understand, just read from the script. The possibility that you may know more than us is unacceptable. We will enforce this through the use of snide remarks and smart-ass responses to your questions.
Don’t ever get your hopes up, we might say that there is chance of moving up but you won’t get paid much more anyway. Plus keeping morale up just isn’t very important to us. We’ll keep you in the same crappy position long enough for all of your other skills to rot away and then promote you. The fact that you are constantly distracted because your job is way too easy and does not fully grasp your attention will only add to our repository of reasons not to promote you, and we’ll be glad to move you as far away as necessary to keep you from bothering your co-workers. We don’t care if you are trying to prove yourself, we don’t like you anyway. Get back to the script.
By the way, did you see the new special offer we have? 3 months free! Wow! People will never believe we can offer things so cheaply!
In other news we’ve now decided to outsource your job to India. This was our plan all along you see, why bother putting you in a respectable position where you might not be so easily replacable? You may as well start training the new guy, Saheeb.
(in case anyone is wondering this is essentially about me being annoyed about my job, it’s mostly exaggerations, but I am overqualified for the position I’m in and have been consistently underestimated by some of the supervisors. I’ve been asking for them to move me up for a while and have been told to wait numerous times. I’m just a little fed up…)
So it’s been a while. A lot of things have happened since my last post, infact that last post ended up being about the very situation which ended up causing a whole string of events involving my methed up uncle and messed up grandmother. In conclusion, we all moved out of that crazy house. I live closer to work now and things seem to be going better.
I was going crazy there for a bit at that nuthouse. Back to normal.
Anyway not too much other than that. I still want to kill your unborn children.
when a single bad event that happened once in your past justifies constant future fear over a possible reoccurence of said event.
when you start asking people to do things for you just because they’re there, not because you can’t do them.
when you decide that those “typing things” are evil.
when it matters that you forgot to do your drugs.
when you blame people for things that were actually your fault, but you forgot.
Don’t you just love the last word? What is the last word you say? Why, it may be this one…no wait maybe this one. Oh snap, I guess I missed it.
You know sometimes my analytical side is like some sort of impenetrable force for those using emotional reasoning, so I think I end up backing people into a corner or something where they get all defensive. It’s too easy to convince yourself you’d have made the same decision regardless of your emotions when those emotions influenced the making of that decision in the first place. You must know where bias is possible, and prevent it before it starts tainting everything around it.
I’ve heard a few silly things recently, particularly relevant is the recent occurence of the whole intelligent design/spaghetti monster thing. Arguing the meaning of science and what not. There is a clear difference between science and religion though. Science is not faith driven, science is hard observable facts.
Now you could say you’re just having faith in your senses, however, with science it’s something that’s always reproducable, not just with my senses, but perhaps with equipment, cameras, experiments, chemical reactions, or what not. If I drop a ball, gravity will make it fall regardless of my 5 senses and we can prove that. You cannot prove such things in religion, or any faith based argument for that matter. You can state A=B but without the facts, it remains speculation, and I don’t have time for such things. I want the facts. Fill in the variables or get lost.
Which brings me back to emotions. What good are those stupid things anyway? Screw emotions. They’re for the weak. No seriously though I’m tired of this half-ass righteousness that the faith driven seem to have. I’m sorry but it doesn’t mean crap to me because it has no basis. You build your house on the foundation, you don’t build the foundation on the house. Why build your opinion on the possibilities, instead of building it on probability. The most likely, the reasonable, the logical analysis.
Fear mongering activists and their emotionally driven propaganda to scare you into submission, this is not science. This is just the bowels of humanity. I don’t care about your stupid opinion, I just care about how you got to it. The conclusion is the easy part, the details are in the plot. And that is my last word.
there once was a man named jesus
and I never cared.
So why do you?
You know the world is an interesting place this time of year. I suppose the whole jew-family thing never really rang a bell until recently. Getting merry x-mas’ from co-workers or someone at a store…just not what I was used to when I was just a kid, since when you’re a kid no one really talks to you. Stay away from those strangers. They might touch you “down there.”
I suppose it’s just a realization of the christian influence on the world. Of course anyone who knows me knows my stance on this crap. No religion, plzkthx.
I don’t even like calling myself atheist because I don’t even care if the big bang is how shit got here. I just know that I’m here, and it isn’t because of anything those religious books say, and that’s for sure. After all, without anyone to promote those religions or any books to tell about them, how would you come to the same conclusions? There is nothing in them that is reproducable. It is all fiction, or perhaps misinterpretations of text from thousands of years ago. It was the way to explore the unknown, albeit not very deeply.
If parents never forced their kids, if society never put influence on others by celebrating it, if the books just weren’t there, what religion would you be following? Some other one that was discovered? I would expect none to be the answer of anyone who’s less than retarded.
I don’t care about your standards, your moral practices, your right and wrong. I discover what works by trial and error, but I always refuse to give up a certain amount of myself, and that’s how I know I got my head on straight.
Then there’s the people who take religion like some social group, or follow it just for the “culture.” Fuck that. American’s have no culture. Just shit.
So come join The Union of Belligerent Atheists.
you all have halloweeners.
yes it’s true.
gouge my eyes out with candy bars
thank you
Hello. My name is Xero the Zero.
You may know me from the internet, where I might have pissed you off somewhere. This is normal.
Fantastic fags flutter furiously.
chicks with dicks.
I like to pee.
Anyway I don’t have much to say today. Now go back to sleep and be good.
No, I will not help you with that.
What’s with all the ecofags and hippies going around these days? I am always hearing shit like “I’m vegan, I don’t eat meat, there’s not enough resources for animals, etc, etc.”
Fuck you. I don’t care. Scientists have been working their asses off trying to make foods more efficient to grow and what not but all you bastards do is complain that it’s poisoning our food and you proceed to eat the more wasteful supposedly “organic” crap. Yeah, good for you, you’re saving the fucking planet aren’t you? Then you go and smoke weed and proceed to eat like a glutton. Go and die, hippy scum.
What’s with all the losers driving hummers? Way to fuck the gas prices over. Your ugly ass SUV doesn’t impress me so get a fucking life. Your false sense of american pride makes me want to spit in your face. America is finally getting a sense of the “real world” when it comes to gas prices and it’s our own damn faults for ruining something we had that was going good. Go and die, american pigs.
What’s with poor people with poor mindsets? Am I supposed to feel sorry for people because they’re less fortunate? If it were that simple then maybe that’d seem logical, but if we’re talking about bitter people with an attitude then where do you draw the line? Poor mindsets will make you poor. I recall my piece on social class from a few years ago which I covered similar topics, however now with more certainty I can say that people who are poor are typically raised into a certain mindset which gives them a disadvantage, they don’t have any class, they won’t impress people. You can’t go around acting all sleezy and expect to get paid more. So quit your fucking bitching that you have to work so hard just to make ends meat, I don’t care, quit acting like such a douchebag and maybe you wouldn’t have to. And it doesn’t even have to do with intelligence, I wish it did, but it doesn’t. Look how many stupid fucks are rich.
If you have a poor mindset and proceed to put down the way I live then you are just out of place. End of story. I don’t care how “great” my life is compared to yours. People try to tell me their problems are somehow worse than mine because they have less money. That’s just not how it works, get over it. Go and die, poor losers.
My ever growing arrogance will defeat you.
ipod shuffles are for fags
its official
wear it around your neck to the gay pride parade
This one goes out to every teenager who thinks they have a message.
All the morons out there posting crappy lyrics or what not about how the world is so bad and their goal is to make it better. To all the pipe dreaming morons out there:
You insignificant twits think you have all the answers but as soon as the real world hits you in the face you realize you don’t have the time to fuck around worrying about world peace. Instead, you worry about what clothes to wear to your job interview at Big-Business-Inc. You’re just pathetic little tools, that’s what you all are. You don’t really care about the problems in the world, all you care about is yourself. You convince yourself that you do so you can feel good about yourself, but that doesn’t matter because starving africans are still dying.
I lost my compassion for the human race long ago. At this point I’m under the distinct impression that the reason those africans are starving is their own damn fault. I mean you’d think if millions of people all were having some issue they’d think of something, but no, they just stay in the same shitty place in the same shitty situation and rot away. I don’t have time to care about outdated cultures.
People are stupid. Some more than others. I’m tired of every teen who thinks they’re on some sort of mission. There is nothing to be accomplished, why not take a look at yourself before worrying about the rest of the world? I’m sure you’ll find a lot more bullshit there then you will elsewhere. I swear if I hear one more kid whining about world peace or some other stereotypical bullshit cause I’m going to kill someone.
But but but…humans are smarter then animals! Yeah right, keep telling yourself that. I’m tired of people saying stupid shit like that. It’s that sort of arrogance which leads to false compassion in the first place. Too concerned about yourself to notice that your intentions of saving the world are really just selfish identity issues.
all you cunts can die.
The summer time sucks. It’s official. The sun burns and blinds you while you let social expectations of what relaxation is overcome your senses.
skin cancer
but let’s not worry about what we put ourselves through for a moment so we can enjoy 2 hours doing such leisure activity. Let’s not mention the massive amounts of money which must be made off the tools who buy into this stuff either.
Instead, let’s worry about how intellectually dull one must be to find such activities enjoyable. Oh look, water! I think I’m going to shit my pants.
I used to like swimming, it’s not too bad I guess, but I find the hassle of dealing with extreme temperatures, sun lotions, walking on hard cement, and not to mention pool cleaning if you happen to own a pool, much worse then the result of actually using such a facility. I guess you could swim when it’s darker out, but most people aren’t that logical.
What’s with the beach? I hate the beach. Fuck sand. Sand sucks. The ocean is fine but the beach is not the ocean. Bays have no beaches and just drop right off into ocean, that’s fine. Fuck beaches.
Consumer whores with their fancy little “bathing suits” such a contradiction because most of the whiny little whores are too worried about getting their hair wet or stepping into the cold ocean water then actually getting the damn thing wet. Why not just call them waterproof bras and panties, that’s essentially what they are.
Basically a pathetic excuse to get men and women to take their clothes off. Sometimes I wonder how far the mating game has to go before people realize how stupid they are being. Just admit you’re fucking teases already. Oh well let those fools go get cancer from the sun and we’ll let natural selection weed them out. Let’s just hope they brought their kids with them.
I have a new proposal. Let’s set up arrays of UV-C lighting systems around beaches to help speed up the process of natural selection. That should do the trick. I swear if I see one more stupid beach commercial showing palm tree and waves running up the shore I’m going to kill someone.
Palm trees are kind of cool, but let’s not fool ourselves, they’re fucking TREES. What are you going to do with them other then look at them? Don’t feed me some line about nature’s beauty, take a picture and get over yourselves. What’s with pictures anyway? Pictures suck. I hate when people take a picture of me. Remembering the moment my ass, if you’re dumb enough that you’d forget the moment what purpose is remembering it anyway? It obviously didn’t matter that much to you.
I haven’t written anything in a while but now I have, and surprisingly enough I’m still the same cynical asshole all you remember me to be. Damn I rule.
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