Xero's other waste of space

February 10, 2004

10 reasons to hate me

Filed under: General — Xero @ 8:14 pm

1. I’m cold, like liquid nitrogen. If the air temperature around me is 70 or above I’m hot, that’s how cold I am. I’m so cold that global warming has a grudge.

2. I don’t care about societies expectations even if it hurts me to do so. So when mr/ms.preppy goes through college on their college fund to get some glorified paper stacking job I can sit and laugh.

3. I’ll be an asshole just for fun. You don’t have to deserve it. I’ll decide what you deserve.

4. I won’t give into you if you hold weak arguments, so don’t expect me to buy bullshit just because you’re selling it. I’m no cat but I do have pride. Don’t even try relying on fallacy and accept the fact that you might be wrong about some things. Saying I can’t admit defeat is a weak argument.

5. I think the human race is inferior so any human-promoting comment you make will instantly be negated. Don’t let existence get to you, it’ll all be over sooner then you think. Check your answering machine, someone named grim reaper left a message.

6. The typical american is my enemy. Yes, most likely that means I hate you.

7. Do you think I care about reproduction? Are you kidding me? Abortion should be required. I can’t believe how many stupid ass teenager are having kids and make the damn thing suffer because they don’t have their life together in the first place. Then they get all anti-abortion, probably because they were insecure about their decision not to abort, despite making the damn thing suffer. As if one is better then the other right? As if a chicken raised to be slaughtered is going to care how big it’s cage is. Don’t fight it, god wants your baby dead. He told me last night.

8. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t fucking say anything. You’re wasting your time trying to sound smart and in the mean time sounding like a stupid idiot. I’ll be sure to point this out at the time which makes you feel the shittiest.

9. I won’t lie to make you feel happy. Fair enough right? Then why do people try and make me feel guilty if I don’t? Sorry but I’m not here to raise your self-esteem, I’m here to destroy it. Get down off your high horse and accept that not everything deserves compliment.

10. No, I never was “just like you” so stop saying shit like that. What is that supposed to mean anyway? Even if I am, then what? Is that supposed to mean you’re somehow more evolved then I am? Comments like that serve no purpose, so stop saying them. I’ll be sure to point out how much I’m not like you, and why I don’t want to be, because I don’t want to “mature” to be someone stupid enough to make comments like that.

So there you have it, 10 reasons to hate me. I’m sure there’s more, feel free to add some.

February 5, 2004

cats vs humans

Filed under: General — Xero @ 5:59 am

It’s time for a quick little comparison of cats and humans to show you how inferior we are.

cats beat the shit out of anything that movies
humans beat the shit out of things they don’t like
cats see well in the dark
humans wear glasses
cats can survive in the wild
human suburbanites wouldn’t last a week in the wild
cats have fur
humans are mutated bald monkeys
cats clean themselves
humans use chemicals to clean things
cats don’t need clothes
humans have large societies based around material objects such as clothes
cats have unlimited pride
humanity is full of broken egos
cats don’t care about silly bullshit
humans make it a point to care as if caring makes them less of a parasite to the planet
cats are colorful
humans tend separate out colorful people
cats hear good
humans go to parties and subject themselves to overly loud music for hours and then wonder why they have hearing loss
cats are typically very physical and in shape unless fattened by human overlords
humans are physically inferior because of their over dependence on material objects
cats are cool looking
humans look stupid
cats are oblivious to stupidity
humans are obliviously stupid
cats are better then you
humans never like to admit defeat

January 27, 2004

Apple isn’t cool.

Filed under: General — Xero @ 9:47 pm

This is something that’s bothered me for longer then ever and comes up way too often, I can’t believe I haven’t written about it until now. Apple, you all know them, the computer company who started as a bunch of hippy hackers and later turned into trendy marketing bullshit combined with overpriced fashion-agreeable computer hardware with an elitist following.

I have nothing personal against apple’s hardware, after all the IBM PowerPC chip that they all use isn’t a terrible one. It’s the trendy bullshit that apple’s marketing pushes that pisses me off the most, and the elitist following it’s made for apple.

There’s some apple users who know this and don’t buy into it. Though they are far and a few, I won’t deny they exist. I’m talking about the people who are blind apple followers, or somewhat blind. Even the people in the middle are usually just as bad as it just encourages others. How the hell do you go from a computer company to trendy bullshit anyway?

Step 1. Colorful computer cases
These days “modded” pc’s are all the rage with people putting windows and neon lights in their cases, with fancy temperature readouts and fan speed monitors mounted on the front of the case, it’s become a fad for the pseudo-geeks. I say pseudo-geeks because they’re more like partial-idiots then they are geeks. Anyway you buy an apple and get some fancy shiny case with tons of plastic or shiny metal in whatever color.

Step 2. Trendy marketing
You’ve all seen the annoying apple commercials on tv, either the old ones with the kids talking about how they like apple products or the newer ones with the people wearing ipods in a silhouette style drawing with pop music playing and dancing. It’s like the mcdonalds commercials but slightly less pathetic.

Step 3. Middle to middle-high end hardware marketed as high end
This one works for sony too, make middle to middle-high end equipment and market it as high end equipment. Charge the same price as high end equipment too, they’ll never know the difference because they’re too stupid to think for themselves and look around for higher quality parts. With apple you really don’t even have another place to look as you’re pretty much locked into whatever they sell you. Getting a good deal on apple equipment is pretty much impossible as they basically won’t sell to any reseller who drops the price lower then apple’s own price. Price fixing indeed.

Step 4. It’s good for media production!!!
Apple’s reputation with being good with media applications such as music making or video editing is entirely apple propaganda aimed at getting clients in the media industry, it’s not really that hard to understand. Apple hardware is usually tied, or slower than the equivalent in PC hardware, and rarely much faster. Paying an extra thousand dollars for a 2% speed boost in one specific photoshop filter, and being slower in all the rest, is not exactly something I’d consider to be smart decision making.

Step 5. Propaganda believing elitist following
Due to the trendy and high end image that apple has now presented at this point their followers will now think it’s the hip thing instead of looking at possible alternative products that would better suit them. I’d much rather an iRiver portable mp3 player then apple’s acclaimed iPod for it’s nicer range of features and the better value for the price.

Step 6. Monopoly tactics.
Mac OSX only works on Apple’s own PowerPC hardware, not on all PowerPC hardware. You want to use OSX? You’re locked into paying apple’s insanely high prices and also pay them for the software itself. Don’t you feel lucky, you’re supporting a monopoly!

Microsoft bashing is counter-productive when here you have a company that’s even worse then them and yet is rewarded for it by it’s huge elitist following. Not even microsoft has done many of the things apple has when it’s come to spreading propaganda and locking people into specific hardware. And while microsoft is far from being evil-free apple is damn well just as evil if not worse. Microsoft’s propaganda is usually very obvious and no one really falls for it. Apple’s is based on trendiness and other hip factors and people are willing to buy into it, they think it’s the cool thing to do. And in rich suburban type areas, this whole situation is even worse with school kids and showing off or what not.

Apple is a company supported almost entirely by propaganda and elitist followers, and while there are few who don’t buy into it, they still are paying apple for the hardware and I do consider them part of the problem. I just don’t hold it against those people personally as much as I would your average teenager bragging about their new iPod.

January 23, 2004

Anti-American Conspirators

Filed under: General — Xero @ 8:42 pm

What could be better then an ignorant patriot then an ignoramus of the exact opposite? The ignorant anti-american conspirator. You know the people, they say they hate bush but only defend it with unproven facts and allegations. You know who you are, the people who hate bush just because it seems like the cool thing to do, instead of hating him for the actual things he has done.

As if the things he has done aren’t bad enough for you, so you have to make up some more and make the situation sound like it’s about a thousand times worse then it actually is. Yes, bush is taking away civil rights, yes he’s passed bad laws, yes he continued a war on iraq. Can you prove he did it just for the oil though?

People seem to overestimate the role of the president and also his motives. Can you honestly believe he’d invade a country just because there was oil there? Do you really think just because he’s been a fan of oil that he’d go to that length? Let’s do the proverbial put “your self in their shoes.” Some rich governor gets into the office through a damn close election which the true outcome never probably would have been determined to begin with, then soon after some muslim fundamentalists crash planes into some buildings.

Did you expect him to sit around asking for an apology? No, of course not, but now he has something that he can use to get some laws passed that he claimed he would in his election campaign. It sure made it a lot easier for him, and if you would really paranoid, you could even say he plotted it on purpose. Let’s not even go there, at that point reality is completely disregarded. So anyway, he slaps in some anti-drug propaganda with the new war on terror propaganda to make the message easier to distribute that bush doesn’t like either of the two items.

Of course the message is completely ineffective so later newer propaganda is made which is pretty much just as ineffective. Guilt trippy messages that are supposed to make parents feel bad and make kids think they should expose every detail of their life to their parents just so you can get their moral approval. Not a very good system for promoting thought-independence, but a typical conservative christian perspective on the issue.

You can’t really expect bush to be something he isn’t, and to me he’s basically some conservative christian who thinks he’s doing the right thing, the same way that the muslim fundamentalists think they’re doing the right thing. It’s all perspective but don’t stretch it too far, you’ll be the one lost from reality before you know it.

Now here comes the fun part, Iraq, a country we gave tons of weapons to, including biological ones. We say get rid of them and they don’t, or so they say. At this point, it’s pretty hard to tell but even so it still doesn’t prove he did it just for oil. Against protest (like every war) we go after them and catch the leader guy, Saddam Hussein, which at this point probably doesn’t mean a damn thing anymore. It’s the kind of thing that makes everyone think “hey we’ve won” but in reality doesn’t mean much.

On the other side of the story you get the people questioning all his motives with paranoid conspiracy sounding stuff. Yes, he did it for the oil! That’s way too easy to say though, it’s laughable. Where’s the proof? Don’t you think someone would notice him shipping out tons of barrels of oil? What do you think they’re going to do it in stealth cargo carriers? I don’t think so. Do you think other countries would allow bush to take iraq’s oil so easily? I don’t think so.

People tell me all the time they can prove it but never do. Sure, it’s a possibility, and one that could seem likely due to the fact that bush likes oil, but you’d be completely forgetting how the president doesn’t have that much control, and how bad that’d make us look, considering it’d be pretty much impossible to do undetected. I doubt bush would even be in office long enough for any oil transporting plan to come into effect even if he does get reelected.

There’s also the people who hate him and don’t even have a reason why, they just hate him to be cool I suppose. I don’t have to go into that subject very much because I think we all know those kind of people and they’d probably jump off a bridge if you told them it was cool.

I’m all open to the possibility that he is doing it for the oil but right now the proof for it seems to be just as good as the proof that there’s a higher power. There is none, other then what the supporters tell you. Self-defined proof is delusion in my book.

Fuck the music industry.

Filed under: General — Xero @ 6:04 pm

Fuck the music industry. At this point american music has degraded so much that it all sounds the same. I don’t care how “personalized” you feel because you think you listen to some kind of “indie” label or what not which turns out to be a sub-label of you guessed it, some huge label under the RIAA’s jurisdiction. Music isn’t personal anyway.

You think copyright is good? You must be thinking only in terms of personal gain in that case. Copyright is the prohibition of thought and patents are the prohibition of the thought process. I don’t care that you feel you deserve reimbursement for your long and hard efforts, I sure as hell didn’t force you to make anything. Or sign a contract legally binding you to make money from selling your “intellectual property” or else you’ll be in debt to your RIAA sponsored label.

Intellectual property is somewhat of an oxymoron, because if anyone using it was truly intellectual they certainly wouldn’t be so unwilling to share their ideas. Sorry, this is capitalism so being trained like a robot to do a certain task is the way to be, even if your task is an artistic one. The whole meaning of art is destroyed at this point so I don’t need to hear any mushy mushy bullshit about the starving artists. Let’s get to the facts.

The big corporations are the main reason they’re starving, and the little guys are screwed whether or not copyright is protecting them so at this point any argument that you’re helping the little guy is quite null. If the government didn’t waste so much money on useless things and all the money that the RIAA extorts went back to the public, all the basic living needs could be covered while still being able to pursue a hobby of your choice. Any inefficiencies can be made into beneficial things with a little effort and greed is no excuse to keep a broken system.

At this point with more and more corrupt laws coming into effect as we speak the possibility for any change seems slimmer and slimmer and with most people still believing incorrect facts or that think they should be compensated for their hard work instead of looking at the alternatives which not only would benefit the average person more it’d also take a huge chunk out of the current corporate corruption making the advantages much greater then any disadvantages, of which I can’t even think of any.

Right now the only companies I can even think of that benefit off intellectual property are huge monopolies, media companies, software companies, and basically companies which consistently screw over the public. Occasionally the artist gets some of the profit, and this accounts for some of the few that still support it. Service based payments seem to be the future of art and or paying for the original. These days the original is not worth any more then a copy for certain media types making the laws protecting it outdated and exploitable by large corporations looking to make money off of a product which costs them nothing to produce.

You could say that a small software company would get screwed by removing copyright but you know what? There’s a huge free software movement going on right now, maybe they should stop trying to make money off an outdated system and get with the future before complaining that they’re being screwed. Provide services, and physical products, not digitalized thoughts.

Keeping this outdated system will screw any small company even more as it lets competitors crush them easily since only the huge companies can support themselves after the losses that an intellectual property based product causes, usually using unfair business tactics and locking people into the product by making it proprietary, in which you can then go after a few corporate users with lots of cash to bring in some money and scare others to pay up as well using that method. The music industry is using the same scare tactics against individual consumers, which tends to make people a little bit more angry as the individual doesn’t have as much money as a large company.

I’d think that an original painting is usually worth more then a copy as I’d think the master recording by an artist would be. One cd is no different from another though, and when it can be digitalized and copied without any effort at all the value of the media is now gone. Maybe someone would pay extra for some included artwork or the master (which probably isn’t on any common format to begin with (DAT or multi-track tape probably,) but for a digitalized format any reason to pay someone at this point is only for sentimental reasons or greediness of the seller.

At this point in time I only hear the same repetitive arguments about starving artists and the little guys but the little guys get hurt no matter what, if you think you’re helping by paying them you’re not, you’re just supporting the system which hurts the consumers more, benefits the little guy slightly if at all, and helps the corrupt monopoly vastly.

December 9, 2003

A downpour of emogirlism: An update on the status of american teenage culture.

Filed under: General — Xero @ 10:46 pm

There’s still emogirlism rampant and it’s as bad as ever. People listening to music whenever they feel “down” so they can get the message “you’re not the only one!” What ever happened to kids talking to their parents when they have a problem? Ah but the family structure has been replaced and now kids get their comfort from corporate idols

It’s another form of emogirlism and this one involves bands who usually claim to be punk or (nu-)metal (this is typical of all emogirlism.) Usually they claim to be anti-american but really just promote anti-racist and anti-war(crime) messages. You know, like tolerate others and such? Remember that propaganda the schools were giving? Yeah, that, but in a “cool” hip way. Throw in claims of being anarchist and the kids are instantly wowed over despite them promoting pro-american views.

Oppress the oppressors is the message they give. Aren’t you now repressing yourself though? Propaganda is usually contradicting, this is no different. And just remember, these are the same teenagers going through high school right now that will become the future leaders of america. These aren’t kids who’ve actually taken action on any of “their” beliefs. I quote their because they didn’t even make the belief them self, they took it off some idol.

These kids will, of course, be going to college soon, become party animals, forget about the silly anti-american ideals when they realize mommy and daddy won’t be there for them their whole life, and then decide to get a job, joining the system, on the contrary to what their teen years would have led you to believe.

Teenagers trying to establish their identities by disagreeing with the masses on stereotypical things that they didn’t even come up with themselves. That’s not exactly the best approach. With recent society teenagers are becoming adults at younger ages then we let them, and they are stuck in a phase of being treated like children for too long, causing this situation to grow even worse.

What do the adults do about it though? They send them off to a prison like daycare center that is supposed to be teaching them how to survive in the world, but instead dissociates them from it while running them through silly tests and quizzes which are soon after forgotten. Don’t think that when these people grow up that they won’t expect you to have gone through it too. They will.

It’s because they abandoned what they thought in their teenage years to the beliefs of the real world. In a way upgrading their system but still following the path that has been presented to them. They’re just as bad as they were before but now they’re twisted into it much deeper. Their behavior is almost robot like. Maybe if they truly did grow up they’d realize how silly their teenage life was, how silly their beliefs were, and how silly what they went through was. And sometimes they do, and just say it’s normal, which doesn’t change the situation any. They are too into the system at this point to disagree.

The real problem? Capitalizing behavior. Of course capitalism will promote capitalistic behavior but the system actually worked better when people DIDN’T try to capitalize as much, manipulation of the system at that time would have been much harder and therefor the system would have been more equal then one where everyone is an expert on it.

That’s why most new governments start out good and go bad later on. Don’t get me wrong, some start out bad and die or start out bad and go good, but we’re not talking about those. Every new leader presents a great view for the future but what they provide is usually never much more spectacular then the last.

People still vote based on the spectacular view they give though. Campaign advertising at this point should be ignored completely. It usually never gives any real reason to vote one way or another, just giving spectacular views of the person, or putting down the opponent. Neither really are beneficial to them logically, but most people aren’t logical.

It’s going downhill and it doesn’t look to be coming up, but no system lasts forever so I’d expect drastic change within 200 years. On to a new system which will later fail. Governments are boring and unexciting, hating them isn’t really worth it.

Even if you do hate the government it doesn’t really mean much if you don’t do anything about it. Most teenagers hate them for silly reasons so this usually applies. The bands they listen to claim they support anarchy but what they talk about (racism,war crimes) isn’t even stuff the government has much control over, so why are these bands claiming to be anti-government?

The kids buy it, that’s why. Oppress the oppressors! Hey it involves outcasting a certain group, kids will love it! Tolerate difference? Accept it? How about we just not give a shit. The former two options are giving too much thought to it, leading your average (stupid) person to completely disregard it all and end up hating the people they’re told to accept for some other reason.

Of course when the school propaganda teaches this to the kids it’s not cool, so who do they get the message from? The latest “cool” band of course!

October 21, 2003


Filed under: General — Xero @ 12:36 am

this is some writing I did about sociology in response to a sociology video I saw. When I say sociologists, I mean the ones in the video, not all of them.

Status/class differences required to be inequal yet caused by imbalanced power? I say that power can never be fully balanced but brought closer together to lessen status differences.

Education role in class position seems superficially raised by sociologists. Implied social class by society is more of a factor, which I go into later. Sociologist simply accepts the inequalities and observes, doesn’t work out how to fix them.

Marx supposedly didn’t see differences between the workers and the boss and didn’t realize middle class would get as big as it did. They say it’s why his plan failed. I agree in that the difference is there but the type of difference is dependent on society. Pay dependent on individual’s work or pay dependent on company’s work as whole. A different method of money distribution. What flaws could equal pay bring?

Social status is effected by what they called “face” which was more like social acceptance, and how to act to outsiders. It was shown on limited basis, middle class response to a street beggar and example of how street gang status works in holding positions by more violent methods. Again preventable behavior by evening out pay distribution, therefor evening power distribution.

pay = power = status/class

A lower class became middle supposedly due to a teacher that actually tried to teach. Can education raise social status? It seems to me that status is a learned behavior that is expected, or rejected. If someone in a power position rejects status behavior it outcasts that person, but if the person being rejected has power as well rejection immunity may exist. This explains why gang members are more insecure about social status, as they have little pay/power so rejection immunity is less likely. Position defending is much more important.

Power and pay aid rejection immunity, and the more powerful one gets the more secure the social position. In the same aspect, people with lower paying jobs typically have less secure jobs, and this works both ways. And since this is so, the pay = power = status/class ratio is kept the same yet again. This is why raising a class is hard, as the ratio is locked, and to successfully jump from one to another requires acceptance into the class, which will then in turn raise the pay and power, and secure the new class. Falling a class is possible as well when the reverse happens and some of each aspect is lost.

Lower class people will act lower class because of the expectation, people will see their life style one way or another, but is it fake-able? I say it is. How someone treats superiors and inferiors, disregarding rejection possibilities, and faking a high self importance may trick some into believing you’re of a higher class but when you have nothing else to show for it the plan will fail unless a jump is made. Of course a typical class jump is something like this as well but the person wouldn’t be doing it with that kind of motive, and their class raising may include educational achievements, which seem to be taken as a form of power, aiding a class jump.

Current society is unable to have everyone as a certain class directly because of money and power, and with rising population and no active form of population control, the inequalities have great chances to grow.

It seems like some sociologists concentrate on the norms of society and not in how to fix the problems with them. Many directly relate education to class, and sometimes relate power/pay to education. They ignore power/money connection directly to class.

In getting a job, while a non-educated person won’t get a ph.d requiring job without having one, the class advantages still seem to help greatly in job acquisition. The sociologist seemed to go completely around this topic, capitalism’s ability to be bought out.

September 26, 2003

OMG IM SO DEPRSESED (or, why I hate the internet)

Filed under: General — Xero @ 10:54 pm


I FIXED IT!11 ok. So we were at the mall and omg!!! I saw this person and they were so cool we talked about stuff like the new emoband concert! then john and sally were like OMG they are so gay and i was like NO WAY they rox so then later we went home and on the ride home sally farted AND WE ALL THOUGHT IT WAS JOHN!!!1

it was sooo funny and like later there was some kids on the street and they were dressed up all like thugs and we’re like WERD! and then they beat up john.

it was soo sad john was bleeding all over but he was ok because afterwards sally took him home and WHO KONWS WHAT HAPPPNEED THEN.

EVENTUALLY i got hoem and i went online and i was like totally omg1!! and then sally came on and said john had tried to make moves on her but she didn’t want him to but then she gave in anyway and like now they’re going out and sally said she saw a whole new side to john and THEYRE IN LOVE!!11

i’m so depressed. eveyrone is in love but me1!!! IM LISTENING TO THIS NEW CD I GOT AT THE MALL its called Breaking Panels of Glass with my Heart and i’m so sad.

feel my angst.

I hate the internet. Seriously why the fuck do all the retards with journals posting about stupid shit like that get all the comments and what not as if anyone cares about the unimportant events that happen in a stereotypical teenagers life. Isn’t there enough of that kind of crap already? It’s time for people to stop bitching about the daily shit that life involves and to get on with their lives. Screw emo-venting journals and post something intelligent. Help exterminate stupidity, the mission starts with yourself!

Step 1.
If you write things like the above in your journal, to people, say it on the phone, or anything of the sort, stop talking to all your friends right now and get new ones.

Step 2.
If you like any music they play on mtv 7 times a week or more, throw out all your cds, delete all your mp3s, and when picking out new music make sure it’s not on any RIAA label, just to be safe.

Step 3.
If you constantly dwell over past relationships or what not, get out of denial by admitting to yourself that you haven’t a clue what love is, nor have you been in it. And stop thinking it matters so much. Do you really think you’re that important to everyone else in the world? Getting over yourself is what these dwellings are really about, not getting over the ex.

Step 4.
Failure to comply with the above I recommend a personal session with me, your certified De-Emoizer to quickly cleanse your soul of the american devil known now as “stereotypical being.”

Step 5.
If you’ve actually done what I’ve said then you’ve finally surpassed the average teenagers social intelligence. If you simply followed what I said without even taking any of your own paths along the way, you might as well start over, you’re just following because you think it’s a social expectation.

Step 6.
Voluntary human extinction. If you are unable to complete the above steps, don’t have kids. You’re doing us all a favor. Abortion is your friend. Who cares about babies anyway. Ugly little things.

Now you know how to do it. It’s easier then you’d think, especially if you don’t even have to do it due to the fact that you’re not an idiot. Don’t get your hopes up.

September 21, 2003

love is bullshit

Filed under: General — Xero @ 8:22 pm

So before my ideas about love were kind of mixed, I wrote about dependence on love, but more specifically it was about dependence on compassion. Compassion exists, love doesn’t.

Yeah, so people fall in love and get married, but what really happens? It’s more like two people are sexually attracted and wish to remain together for the survival of the race. Some species are faithful and some aren’t. Marriage and the so called love that goes along with it is nothing more then a way to keep a family together.

Too bad for america that the whole family structure is for the most part dying out and being replaced by more individual communication, such as the internet, telephones, hell even writing a letter. Family communication has much died out in this country. So while we’re still dependent on others as a society, the family structure is starting to become less important.

Good or bad I’m not here to debate that, my point is that love doesn’t exist. You have the average teenage girl’s definition of love, which is usually dependence, obsession, and sexual attraction. So they can want that person, never want to give them up, and consult them on anything they’re unsure about. It’s just a stupid trap that teenage girls are easy to fall into because they confuse what they want with reality.

Love is nothing more then an empty word with personal meanings that differ from person to person. The Websters dictionary defines it as a strong feeling of attachment induced by delights or admiration, devotion, affection, etc. Family love is more like family compassion. It’s not really love in the romantic-sexual way that most women wish they had, and that most guys couldn’t care about as long as some sex is involved.

As everything we do is in one way or another for our own survival you have to consider why people even use the word love. If not for our own survival then what? The answer is way too clear but most are so blinded by their strong emotions which they themselves created and call love that the chances of seeing the truth are way too far away.

So you have compassion for those in your family, you care about them and what not, it’s not obsessional or sexual attraction, at least not in a normal family. I’m talking about relationships here though, continuation of the race. Love is just a self-generated feeling to promote the continuation of the race.

As I’m sure evolution knew what it was doing when it created it. The race needs to survive and what better way to do it then to create an emotion that involves obsession dependence and sexual attraction all in one. That’s got to be like the holy grail for humanity right there. Now I’m sure some men think they’re in love as well and the situation is no different. Love is bullshit and only serves to keep two people together for the continuation of the race, nothing more, nothing less.

Evolution doesn’t care if you meet your perfect guy/girl and couldn’t give a rats ass about whether or not it works out in the end, as long as the next generation is created. Those who are selfish enough to believe a higher power exists to serve their every single desire or help them when they’re in a bad situation are just as bad.

A discussion I had led to this conversation about a person who fell down a hole and thought god saved them. If god really existed, why wouldn’t he have just prevented them from falling in the first place? Jokingly we thought, oh they probably didn’t pray so god was just testing their faith. Religion also only serves to continue the race, combining compassion with a rule set that expects faithfulness and obedience. It’s just as bad as love.

Religion is a complete joke. Love is a complete joke. Compassion is many times part of love, and as mentioned above, religion. Those who think love exists are only looking out for themselves, or in denial because they believe they are in it and don’t want a supposed good thing to end.

Don’t let human instinct get in the way of logic, it only creates more beliefs.

September 16, 2003

above the rest, or rest below?

Filed under: General — Xero @ 5:57 am

So I’m in driver ed today (yesterday) and some kids are chatting and one mentions how he had stayed up to 3 in the morning the day and was tired and I mentioned how I had stayed up to 5, which it is right now actually, and how I slept until like 5 in the afternoon. After this of course some people obviously ask don’t you go to school?

Of course I don’t have the time to go into any detailed explanations, this isn’t chat hour it’s driver education so I just usually say “I do computer stuff and I plan to get my GED and head off to college.” Later in the class, some girl starts asking me about it, she seemed amazed by the fact that I didn’t go to school. I tell her the usual and say how I plan to get my license and a job and what not and she basically says she doubts my plans because I won’t have a high school diploma and the emotion I read from her face and tone of voice was pure disgust.

I was probably more disgusted then she was though. I felt for the first time in my life that everyone around me wasn’t as smart as I was. Not in an egotistical way though. In a way that they’ve been raised in a society which expects a norm, and all of which have followed without a question. Why are people so easily led?

I recently have been using the analogy that some people are like cats and some are like dogs. Some people will do anything for a treat or some positive reinforcement. At the same time, some aren’t led so easily, they want the treat up front and will decide later whether or not they will do what you want. Most people seem to fit my definition of a dog.

There are some who have pets purely because they’re cute and some because they enjoy their company. At the same time there is a game of manipulation going on between pet and owner. Pet relies on owner for all its basic needs and owner provides them. What if the pet wants something else? Many times they don’t know any other way so they simply continue without a doubt.

I suppose my comparison between humans and other animals has been a pretty big topic to me but it’s interesting how similar they really are. Some religions don’t even accept humans as the same as other animals, they see us as above them, but all as being one of gods creatures. Well screw god and other self-satisfying wishes and let’s get back to reality for now.

People are expected to be of the norm. If they are not, typically society rejects them. Some try to masquerade as the norm to acquire a social position. I don’t ever put on a mask though. I try to ignore the norms and when people mention they do something that follows them I disregard it. I don’t have the time to fight those who follow the norms all day, nor can I fully explain my position to everyone in a short period of time.

Animals have a way of grouping together and outcasting. Those who do not follow a set standard are the ones who are outcasts. The outcasts sometimes form a group and then the process repeats. Why follow any specific standard when it’s so much easier to be variable? Why do people have the urge to believe instead of just to have ideas?

Most likely because if you believe in something, and everyone else around you does, everything will seem in control. Since there is nothing to defy you, how could anything possibly go wrong? It’s not until you stare into the face of the truth that the problems start. The believers will deny it, because they do not want to be proved wrong. Who does, other then those looking for the truth? A believer is never looking for the truth, just control.

As animals, territory is what we seek. Control is the method of gain. Mental territory is something our larger brains have given us, and with it, more inequalities.

September 6, 2003

e pluribus unum is a stupid quote

Filed under: General — Xero @ 7:57 pm

This quote pisses me off. Out of many, one? Yeah so there’s a bunch of fucking states that had their differences but out of them all, one, because there’s the federal government, reminding everyone who’s their bitch. Seriously what the fuck is that supposed to mean, out of many, one?

Big fucking deal. It’s annoying. Especially that ad council commercial with everyone saying “I am an american” and at the end it says “E Pluribus Unum” as if it means that you’re an individual. The quote has nothing at all to do with individuality. It doesn’t say one out spectacular person out of many, no. It’s the exact opposite, out of many, one. So you’re just reduced to a tiny little plankton in a giant sea of fish.

This quote is on everything, coins, commercials, and implanted in wannabe-patriots heads. This quote is useless. It’s not the 13 states any more. It’s no longer 1776. How the hell this stupid quote stuck around so long, I’d never know. I’d bet it’s big corporation america trying to make it sound like it’s the “good ol days.” It’s more like a bunch of corporate bullshit with silly buzzwords and propaganda.

All it really does is show how much it’s not that way anymore and how inappropriate it is in current day. Why do we need silly quotes and propaganda telling people to have pride in being an american? Is someone insecure about their falling empire? Does someone sense failure is approaching? Sure as hell seems like it.

A more appropriate quote would be “statistically, you mean nothing.” Or perhaps “if we cared about you, we’d put a little more effort into our pseudo-patriotic quote making process.” Shit even I can do a better job then them, they should hire me.

America pisses me off.

August 16, 2003

a complex battle

Filed under: General — Xero @ 5:33 pm

between the government, the mini-governments that control it, and the consumers.

A battle which has been going on for thousands of years if not more. The issue of what the battle is about has always changed but the battle itself has always been there. Even now there are multiple battles in the world over inequalities. While nothing can be truly equal we can at least try to make the world a better place for everyone.

It really is a shame that people are so selfish. It’s instinct though, people’s own survival and pleasure comes before everyone else’s. And in some instances even more then that is between the two. Equality is not going to make peace. It’s not going to make crime go away. It’s not going to solve every one of these silly issues that you always hear the political leaders talk about. It’s going to make the world better for everyone as a whole.

You have to give to get, and some people will be getting more then they ever gave, especially those who are in or below poverty. It will give them a second chance. It will give those who are below more, and those who are above less. It will try to make everyone closer to the middle.

Is that a bad thing? While this isn’t truly equal, you can become slightly above the norm or slightly below if you did no work at all, you would be entirely provided for when it comes to basic needs and communication tools such as foods, housing, phones, television, and even internet access. You work more, you can get more and upgrade the things you have. You work none, you get the basic package. Most people won’t want to settle for that but at least the ones that do won’t be forced to go to crime to survive.

People want to feel special though. They want to feel like they can be better then everyone else and just benefit themselves and the close group around them. Some don’t even care about these issues or maybe even benefit from the current system because they’re above the rest. These people will be the ones who either disagree, or don’t even want to understand the problem.

So you take from the rich and give to the poor. You make the system more equal then what? A fair system. Communism puts trust in humanity to create equality. Sadly enough we broke it’s trust, and it’s only a concept, it’s not even a living creature. Now what? If we can’t even trust ourselves to make things right what can we trust?

There has to be unfairness in everything and force will need to be employed to keep the system working, no different then it is now. At least now everyones getting taken care of so they have less to complain about. Everyone still has a reason to get a job, though maybe for the lazy it’d be slightly less of one. Still it’s not much different from today. The government would have to control the money distribution in this system.

A CEO and a construction worker would get the same pay if they worked for the same company. Their jobs are just as important as each other, despite the work differences. The company has to work as a whole. The company does better? Everyone gets paid more. People who do manual labor, such as contruction workers, these people are no less important than the guy at the top making the decisions. One sits on his ass all day and makes decisions while the other works all day and carries out those decisions.

If one was without the other the company would fail. Why should one get paid more? Are they doing more or less work? They’re both doing work just different types of it. Pay them the same, it’s so easy to do. Of course this system requires trust in the government to make the right decisions. To pay the right amount of money to people. This system also requires that the government doesn’t get corrupted and try to make the leaders the richest people in the country and leave everyone else out. They’d have to get paid the same salary as everyone else.

How do you keep that going though? How do you prevent the money distribution worker from taking the money for himself? Do people who work at mints steal all the money at the mint? No. This same kind of trust has to be applied to the government and the citizens for this to work. Right now no one trusts the government, and the government likes to treat everyone as a potential criminal.

This isn’t a system that’s going anywhere. In a world where we like to charge money for ideas this is bound to happen though. With the current systems monopolies are promoted through our copyright system which has fallen apart. It’s no longer there to protect anyone but the pockets of the giant media controlling distributors. And if you’re lucky, you might get a cut.

It’s all about manipulation in the current system. You get to the top and typically stay there. People with millions of dollars are still working raking in even more money, making the system even more unbalanced. While some people need to work to keep themselves sane, in a better system they wouldn’t be able to horde all the money. Much of it would be given back to the system to help provide the basic package of living requirements to those who make less.

It’s kind of like a tax, but in reality it’s a way to keep everyone near the middle without going to the two extremes. Survival of the fittest, that’s what our current system takes to it’s fullest potential. While the ideas I have stated would still support that idea, it wouldn’t let anyone have too much of an advantage over everyone else.

Just think of the potential this has to destroy monopolies. They can’t become one anymore as most of their control would just be distributed back to the public to provide basic needs. Copyright would have to be eliminated. Thought control isn’t going to benefit everyone as a whole, just the few people at the top of the system. It creates large inequalities in our current system, this is not something I would stand for in a system of my own.

Some people think they should get money for all their hard work, but guess what? No one forced them to do that work, nor did anyone force them to give it out, so if you want money fine, but anyone else can make money off that same idea as well, or else you’re just being unfair.

Equality comes with a price. Put up or shut up. If you want peace you can’t expect to get it as long as there are those that are selfish and want the world to be theirs. Political leaders make money too you know, they’re far from being unselfish, and in the end, no different from everyone else. Putting themselves before others.

In a system such as mine silly things like looks, fashion, pop idols, useless decoration that can’t even be considered art due to it’s only purpose of creation being to make money, these things would be eliminated. Everyone would live in a house made of modules with built in insulation, wiring, tubing, among other things. They’d connect together and have the ability to be upgraded. As you work more, the more modules you can choose to receive. It would be as efficient as possible and looks would come after efficiency.

The government would give you more modules for free if more people occupy the house. Or if that person wanted to live on their own and were of legal age, they could have their own modular house provided to them by the government. And the more you and everyone else living there worked, the more you could upgrade it as a whole, as well as the appliances you have in it. A system where everything keeps itself updated, even for the poor, it would just take them a bit longer to receive the updates, as they are working less. No update would be required unless it’s a potential health hazard.

People can choose to use the money they would have received for the upgrade to be used for something else if they wanted. Money from jobs would go first to the upgrades for everyone as a whole, then second to personal upgrades of your own choosing. Or even to buy something new, not unlike the current system. You would have complete choice over what to buy not much unlike today. Efficiency would just be much more prevalent in this system.

The system updates itself. It keeps itself safe, it keeps everyone in it provided for. No one would be extremely rich and the homeless would no longer exist. The 2 extremes will be eliminated. It almost seems like a utopia of a sort but the fact is, it would be entirely possible if the rich of today would give up some of what they had to help out the rest of humanity.

In a world with such corruption it’s impossible for me to imagine a system like mine ever happening. I can dream though. That is, until they copyright that as well.

July 6, 2003

drunk driving commercials

Filed under: General — Xero @ 10:56 am

So I’m sure you’ve all seen these new drunk driving commercials. It’s basically like a cop pulls some people over and is like “I detect the presence of alcohol please step out of the vehicle” then it states that cops everywhere are cracking down on drunk driving. Blah blah blah more bullshit propaganda.

Do you really think anyone actually WANTS to drink and drive? I mean these commercials make it seem like it. No one wants to drink and drive. It just so happens they get drunk and have to drive somewhere, drunk or not. I’m totally aware of the fact that drunk drivers have higher accident rates and all but still, these commercials are just as effective as those Ad Council commercials with the business man shouting “2 points” when he throws out the black guy’s resume. No racist would be changed by it, shit they’d probably laugh.

Drunk driving isn’t really the problem here though. It’s people not planning ahead, that’s the real problem. Plus being drunk is not that fun. I mean come on who actually likes being drunk, it’s much more painful then it is fun. And people act stupid while doing it, though this is common with most drugs. They feel they have to live into some kind of stereotype while on them.

Go to parties, get drunk, start dancing like a moron, drive home. I don’t get why people need to get drunk to dance like a moron, perhaps to get rid of the embarrassment or blame the embarrassment on the drug. Which is really the stereotype of the drug they’re blaming it on, not the actual effects of it. Dancing is stupid. It’s a silly ritual, like Indians who smoke the “peace pipe” and then do crazy rain dances.

Drugs throughout history have been linked with stupidity. This is wrong. Stupidity has been stereotyped as something that drugs do to you, but they really don’t. They alter your consciousness. And as the brain is like a bunch of modules that get loaded in and out of consciousness, an altered one means that you perceive those modules differently. This doesn’t make you stupid unless you start acting stupid on your on. Which is easy to do when you’ve been surrounded by the stereotype that drugs make you stupid, on top of the fact that you’re in an altered state of consciousness.

So basically my conclusion is that, probably due to the anti-drug bullshit, drugs have been labeled “stupid and bad” and people who do them are “stupid and bad.” So of course, the drugs must make you “stupid and bad.” This is all wrong though. For a lot of people they don’t make them stupid or bad, seeing the world different leads them to new ideas which they may have never thought of. While it probably isn’t the greatest for their health, everyone has a health stressor. whether it be diet, lack of exercise, environmental variables, sleeping habits, or drugs. Most drugs are not very damaging unless done long term, like any of the other health stressors.

Basically the conclusion is drugs aren’t stupid, people are stupid. They don’t think ahead, they live into stereotypes which were only created to make people think bad about drugs and then blame the drugs for it all. I’m tired of this prohibition propaganda. It’s getting old. I don’t need to see some cop on a TV commercial to know that people are stupid. People will still drink and drive it, sometimes they don’t have any other option.

June 29, 2003

why I hate disney

Filed under: General — Xero @ 6:43 pm

I hate disney. I don’t care what it is, if they had anything to do with the making of it, I hate it. I hold strong to my beliefs. If I don’t like where it’s coming from, I don’t give a rats ass if it’s good or not. I’ll look elsewhere. The least I need to do is give them enough credit to say I liked something they made. The most I need to do is disconnect the TV when my sister won’t change the channel when I ask her to multiple times.

I see her watching this show, it’s a cartoon with a bunch of politically correct colored people. Yes that’s right, there’s black people and white people and all that fun stuff doing stereotypical teenage things, such as dressing up slutty and going to pop-music infested dances. This isn’t a reality show, or a show about the life of some slutty-dressing 13 year old girl, this is a cartoon that simulates one. I’m disgusted. I’m even thinking of becoming racist just so I have one more reason to hate politically correct TV.

It annoyed me to the point where I went into the basement and disconnected the TV she was watching from the splitter. I can’t even ignore it if I try, that’s how much disney bothers me. Soon after as I’m about to go upstairs I hear my sister going on behind my back about how all I do is try to take over the TV and watch the stuff I like (mostly anime) and tries desperately to make it sound like I’m a hypocrite. I’m the one brainwashed by TV, not her. This is obviously bullshit, you don’t see me going around acting just like people on TV as she does. I’d kill myself the day I’m obsessed with fashion and pop-music.

To be honest, I can’t ever hear what the hell is on the TV in the kitchen because everyone is making noise and it’s hard to listen while you’re chewing. So if it’s one of the shows I watch, I end up watching the recording of it. I don’t care what everyone watches in the kitchen. Hell to be honest I don’t even think there should be a TV in the kitchen because it always leads to stupid shit like people fighting over what channel to watch.

So why do I hate disney and viacom so much? On top of the politically correct bullshit and shows that portray stereotypical shallow teenagers, their business methods aren’t the greatest either. To them this is about the money. They play whatever sells, and sell stuff to them simultaneously. They sell the latest fashion trends, the latest music, the latest fads, just turn one of these channels on for a few minutes and you know what I’m talking about.

The disney channel has basically turned into MTV, they even have artists and such that they play the music videos of. I don’t even watch this channel and I see this stuff just from the occasional glance I get from the TV my sister leaves on, as she never cleans up when shes done with something. Just like MTV, music isn’t what’s mainly played. Instead, it’s shows that force-feed the latest trends. Disney should quit acting like it’s a wholesome family company that makes children’s movies and show their true face. A giant media monopoly, just like the rest of them. Out to make the quickest buck and buy their way through the judiciary system.

I don’t really care what’s on the kitchen TV, as long as it’s not disney, mtv, nick, or anything owned by viacom or disney. Got a problem? Deal with it. I’ll unplug the damn TV.

May 18, 2003

love dependence

Filed under: General — Xero @ 4:36 pm

I recently had this topic brought up. It was due to more girls lost in a dreamworld as I previously described them.

Love dependence seems to vary from specie to specie and from individual to individual as well. Social animals seem to have more of it. Some animals which are social or not social depending how they were raised, like cats for instance, may vary even more.

Love dependence, compassion, helping people, things like this some people rely on entirely. Some people rely on it and have skewed views of what it’s really about. This is being lost in a dreamworld. Some people know what’s real and what isn’t, and find a wife or husband that they consider to love. This love is more true then someone’s who’s lost in a dreamworld. Now there’s 2 more categories which aren’t as common in humans, but perhaps more common in the animal world, that I’ve seen from my experience on this planet.

The first one is people with little dependence on love. These people typically see the stuff that is going on in the dreamworld and find it hopeless, or perhaps useless to try and find any love. Not only this, but they usually don’t consider what other people feel for them as love. Perhaps if they found someone they truly related with their views would change, but these types of people are far and a few, so the chances of it are much less then the chance of 2 dreamworlders meeting up world be.

Theres also the people with no dependence on love, which I myself have never met but I’m keeping this option as it’s possible. In the animal world it’s all too common. Animals live on their own, survive on their own, kill their own food, eat it, and once a year they usually meet up and mate and then just continue on without ever seeing their mate, or the offspring again.

Love, chemical reactions to get people to have sex essentially. I’ve recently came across this site http://www.vhemt.org/ which is about voluntary human extinction. Essentially they say, don’t have kids and give explanation to all the reasons most people do have kids. People don’t really have urges to have kids, they just have urges to have sex. Most peoples urges to have kids aren’t really that. They’re usually due to something else missing from their life, which they think they can fill by having kids. Or so this site says. I found it pretty interesting though, and most of what I read seemed correct.

So love is there to continue the human race. Is it possible to live without wanting to continue the human race? Yes, so it seems possible it’d be able to live without love. This isn’t exactly the way it is though. It’s possible to love without wanting to continue the human race. Many people are confused. In the end it doesn’t really matter though. Even if you’re blind to love or have none at all this chemical reaction still happens.

Losing yourself to the 2 extremes never seems to work.

May 11, 2003

pick one any one

Filed under: General — Xero @ 1:52 pm

So I’m trying to think of something to write about which involves making fun of. It’s fun to write and read things that make fun of other things just because. Alright here we go. Reality TV.

American idol. What is this bullshit? A bunch of people who want to become pop stars by singing other peoples songs in order to get a record contract from some RIAA owned label? This is the biggest load of crap I’ve ever seen. Let’s look at the flaws in it.

First, people competing to be a pop star, yet by even showing up on this show, 90% of them already are pop stars. I can remember someone telling me how a few of them got record contracts despite being “voted off” the show. That’s another thing about these reality shows, I’m sure in reality you can just vote people out that you don’t like, we all know that life is a perfect democracy.

So you win a record contract with the RIAA to become a one hit wonder but of course all the fans of the show will buy their album. I can’t even imagine the shitloads of money they must be wheeling in from this show. It’s pure idolism and american corporatism slapped into one.

Then you got the real world, let’s not even fucking go there. You name a show the real world and put a bunch of disgruntled politically correct teens in a house together. Enough said, I don’t even need to explain this one.

Then you got survivor, this one’s just silly. You have a bunch of people out in the middle of africa or stranded on some island that play games to get food, water, and supplies. I’m sure when real people are stranded in the desert all they have to do is climb a rope wall to get some water. This show is pathetic.

The Osbournes, this is more MTV bullshit. MTV seems to top the cake when it comes to brainwashing bullshit. A family that fights and curses a lot and involves a rock star. Now let’s look at MTV for a second. MTV is the network which always claims to be uncensored and yet censors everything. They claim to be new and hip but are really just a load of corporate bullshit straight from the asses of viacom executives.

So what is this really? A bunch of beeped out curse words and silly fights over useless shit. Just what I wanted to see. MTV really did it with this one, ranks right up there with shows like Jackass.

That’s the thing about Reality TV. It’s not even close to real at all, and it always involves voting people off and/or arguments. How is this real? Why do people want to watch other people fighting and voting each other off? What the fuck is happening to america?

This isn’t entertainment. It’s people trying to dilute the issues they have in their life by rationalizing it after seeing people “worse” then them. Just vote away all your problems. In reality though, those people aren’t really worse, they’re not even real. Their personalities are created by the TV show, not by who they really are.

I can understand people might enjoy different things and share different opinions but this is pure garbage. There is no value to these shows, there’s no plot, no entertaining factor. Shit I know people who watch them just to see teens in bikinis. As if there isn’t enough porn around already.

Reality shows have no purpose, no plot, no objective. Most of them are just around so some big corporation can make a quick buck. What ever happened to doing things for fun instead of for money? Of course you get the people who say “what if you can combine the two?” but look what happens most of the time when it’s combined. They start producing stories just for the money. Idealism and money don’t mix very well. Money corrupts people.

May 10, 2003

abusive personalties

Filed under: General — Xero @ 7:30 pm

Whether you realize it or not, they do exist. Luckily I realized it. Perhaps a little too late but that is better then nothing. I must wonder why they seek me out still to this day. I’ve expressed no will to contact any of them.

Perhaps they liked me as a pawn in their game, perhaps they want me back in. Maybe they’re lonely because no one is willing to put up with their shit anymore. Hell, maybe they even miss me. I doubt any emptiness they feel from me not being there is valid. I know memory doesn’t work very well over periods of time, especially when it comes to remembering other people.

Sometimes chat logs are a curse and a blessing. I prefer to read them only when required. In the past, I had read chat logs of people and I communicating that I no longer talk to, and it only made things worse. You see such a limited amount of their personality. Sometimes you see only the parts you would consider good and start thinking, they weren’t so bad, maybe it was me the whole time?

It’s not me. I can verify this due to the fact I’ve given some people way too many chances. I soon realize after restarting my communication with these people that the personality I disliked is still there. There’s no reunions of ex-friends, I wonder why.

I won’t respond to their cries for attention. I still think about what I would say though. I then realize how it’s not even worth saying anything. It’d be like talking to a brick, perhaps it’s absorbing the sound waves, but it sure as hell isn’t going to do anything else. I’m not going to waste my time. These people used to rely on the fact that I’d take them back in the past, despite whether they changed or not.

That’s no more. I can see the difference. Just the first few words they say to start the conversation can sometimes show me whether someone changed. Joking or not. I’m tired of people hiding themselves on the internet just so they can get a false sense of superiority. I can’t believe I actually looked up to some of these people.

In reality nothing is truly superior. We’re just a bunch of chemical reactions that thrive for survival. Of course some want to think they’re superior, better survival or so it would seem. Too bad that most of the people I knew who thought they were superior were far from it. They act like they want to be successful but their personalties are so obviously in the way of it, and probably diluting the truthfulness of their wanting to be successful.

You can blame it all on me, but if I’m not even there, who are you to blame but yourself? Blaming it on me is less painful, though.

April 22, 2003


Filed under: General — Xero @ 9:25 pm

What is time anyway? I’ve come to the conclusion that time is a measurement of the chemical reactions which eventually lead to our death. Days pass and people get older. Cells divide and cells die. Why does time even matter? Who says we need to obey to our instincts other then our brains?

As humans we feel. Feelings and emotions are designed for survival. You want those close to you to survive so you feel for them. I’ve known this and understand it. It seems sometimes that I can drop this instinct to care about others. Yes, everyone loves their family and so on. It’s old news. It’s amazing how these human instinctual feelings can get in the way of logic and in fact destroy some people’s reasoning.

You can’t be unbiased if these instincts come in the way. In the end we’re a bunch of chemical reactions and we are designed to change. Unlike random atoms floating around in space which probably don’t get any change for long periods of time, we change constantly. We will do the things needed to survive because instinct tells us to. So we want those around us to survive as well, as they have part in our survival. Since they’re around you, they’re providing something. What that is would be another matter the point is that they do provide something otherwise there’d be no reason for you to feel for them.

So giving up a basic survival instinct, though one not required to physically survive but perhaps more of a mental comfort. So people die and everyone is sad for a while. Everyone tries to remember all the good times they had but then comes the big slap in the face that the person is now dead. Memorials and funerals annoy me, all it seems to do is make everyone sad and being sad is contagious like yawning.

Maybe I’m cold. Maybe I never really felt for anyone in the first place. That’s not true though. Sometimes to be unbiased you need to take that step and realize whats going on. Sure it’s sad to the humans and goes against what they want, but a cycle that has been going on forever. From my point of view these feelings of sadness are a waste of time. The compassion and caring is nothing but a survival instinct. If you can claim to know and understand your instincts, yet you still react to them, do you truly understand them?

If you truly understood what was going on you wouldn’t need to react in the instinctual way. You understand what it is so you take your own path. Perhaps I’m wrong. Maybe I’m hiding my feelings. I don’t think this is the case though. I’m able to see what many others will not. This to me is proof that I am seeing things much differently and not just hiding what I see.

Why am I here anyway? It all seems so boring now. A big survival competition and whoever has the biggest is the best. I am living in a crazy world that I am. Now what am I going to do? Oh yeah, join in on the fun and follow instinct. I’m not one to follow anything though.

March 31, 2003

april fools day

Filed under: General — Xero @ 8:20 pm

So tomorrow is “April Fools Day.” I never got this semi-holiday at all. I’m not sure of the origins of it but as it’s a tradition based on a day of the year, I automatically hate it. It’s bad enough with valentines, christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa, new years, thanksgiving, plus the millions of other mini-holidays. I’m seriously getting tired of all these holidays.

What’s the point? I can remember in school liking them because I’d get a day off, which further goes back to my idea of just renaming December to Holiday-Month and just letting progress of the world come to a complete halt for a month. Everyone would have to stock up on canned foods as if it was the end of the world. Maybe then people would see how stupid these holidays are.

Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against getting days off from work but it’s the underlying reason of those days that is annoying me. April Fools is typically a day where people don’t get off so I suppose it’s exempt from this. Still, a day where you pull pranks on people? Can’t we just do that anytime we want? Oh but it’s more excusable because it’s April Fools day.

Then you got christmas, some jew dies and romans make a religion, big fucking deal.

Hanukkah, a candle supposedly stays lit for 8 days, I’ve been told this story is possibly false and that some jews made it up just so they have a holiday comparable to christmas. Pathetic if it’s true.

Kwanzaa? No fucking idea what this is, but I’m sure it’s dumb.

New years, the celebration of our calender system. This one’s just stupid.

Thanksgiving, from what I hear is far from the stories you always hear about peace with the natives. Just another useless holiday.

Presidents day? Give me a break, rounding off Lincoln and Washington’s birthday? Come on they didn’t even try on this one.

Valentines day? Hallmark monopoly at it’s best. I’ll be your valentine after I give you paper cuts with every valentines day card I’ve ever received.

Easter is just the opposite of christmas. Those romans are really pissing me off. It’s all because of them that most of the united states is delusional.

There’s a bunch of jewish ones like yom kippor and rushashunna or something like that. One’s about 10 plagues which in reality was just the yearly cycle of the Nile river minus the slaying of the first born and the other is just a jewish version of the new year. Both useless.

There’s St. Patrick’s day which is just silly. Damn leprechauns.

There’s mothers and fathers day which is just more hallmark bullshit. Cards are stupid. Everyone in my family is a compulsive card giver and it’s annoying as hell. I bet they’ve made hallmark over $10,000.

I’m sure there’s more I’m missing but I think I’ve made my point. All these holidays (holy days?)are useless. I say use a random number generator at the beginning of each year that picks 30 days for people to have off that aren’t weekends. This way everyone can get their days off and I don’t have to deal with this stupid bullshit. Plus it wouldn’t be 30 days in a row so the progress of the world wouldn’t come to a complete halt. I think I’m on to something here.

Religion really pisses me off. I still have trouble believing how many people still follow that bullshit.

March 16, 2003

I’d like an order of american imperialism with a side of freedom fries.

Filed under: General — Xero @ 10:09 pm

So everyone’s heard this shit about France and the US. France doesn’t agree with us so now the US makes up a bunch of reasons to put France down. It’s pathetic and childish. It’s like a bunch of teenagers that like a fad and when someone doesn’t like it they make up a bunch of reasons to hate that person.

Some say “If it wasn’t for us they’d be owned by Germany” as if that’s a reason for them to agree with us. So 60 years ago in world war 2 when Hitler was taking over we helped out the French. This doesn’t mean they’d be owned by Germany, as anyone with a brain would know that changing one tiny event in the past could change TONS of things in the future, making the outcome of what really would have happened to France, or any country for that matter, very unpredictable.

Just because they’re our allies doesn’t mean they have to agree with us on everything. That is, of course the definition the US has given to the word “allies” though. For example, consider if you had a friend, and as soon as you disagreed with them you started ostracizing them. You wouldn’t seem like such a good friend now would you? The US isn’t a good ally. All the US wants is to be able to make any decision it wants. To do so, we obtain these allies who are supposed to be “on our side.”

Now I’m not saying France is against us. I seriously doubt they are. I do think they are against this war with Iraq. To be honest I think this brute force method that the US seems to like is getting old. We can bomb them to hell, try to kill Saddam and take over the country, turn the country “good.” Pure imperialism, by the way. My point is that I think if we stopped pissing off Saddam he’d have no reason to use any weapons against us, because that’s the main threat right? If he just has them and does nothing with them who cares right? I mean it’s not like we don’t test weapons all the time, but do we use them? Ah but we do, so technically it would give Iraq a slight reason to have their own. Self defense right?

Our weapons perhaps abide by guidelines, those of which I’m not familiar with but we still have nukes and all that stuff so essentially it wouldn’t be too hard to blow Iraq off the edge of the earth. I think if we keep taking over other countries to convert them to the way the US thinks is right that eventually people will start getting mad. And I think that’s starting to happen now.

This reminds me of something else, religious missionaries. They go to other countries and convert people to their religion and give them food. Kind of like what the US government does by converting governments to it’s own ways. I am sure the poor starving Africans have the choice whether or not to join the religion and get food, but if they’re really starving they’d probably join without even thinking about it.

I think this is wrong, well, not helping them out, but combing it with the religious element. I think it will essentially make these people, probably uneducated and very undernourished, think that this food is coming from believing in “god” and that believing will get them more food and on “god’s good side” if you know what I mean. Essentially getting trapped in a belief system because it gets them what is required to survive.

Another thing that I was reminded of is the obligatory giving of food to the people, whether it be missionary or US war. It’s supposed to make it seem like it’s less bad or something. Oh yes care for the innocent victims and fuck the sinners! I’m tired of this crap. The thing that’s funny is if you look at the US government, it’s essentially based off christianity and catholicism. So we have a bunch of muslim countries and here comes us the big bad baptised wolf to ruin it all and convert them to our ways. It’s nothing but a holy war.

A different religion, a different philosophy of government. Religion is sad.

Yeah, US, rename french fries to freedom fries, who’s really free here? The countries that make their own decisions or the ones that simply follow the US?

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